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Psaumes 76.7

Tu es terrible, toi ; et qui est-ce qui subsistera devant toi, dès que ta colère éclate ?
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    • 1 Chroniques 16

      25 For great is Yahweh, and greatly to be praised. He also is to be feared above all gods.

      Esdras 9

      15 Yahweh, the God of Israel, you are righteous; for we are left a remnant that has escaped, as it is this day. Behold, we are before you in our guiltiness; for none can stand before you because of this."

      Psaumes 2

      12 Give sincere homage to the Son , lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath will soon be kindled. Blessed are all those who take refuge in him.

      Psaumes 76

      7 You, even you, are to be feared. Who can stand in your sight when you are angry?

      Psaumes 89

      7 a very awesome God in the council of the holy ones, to be feared above all those who are around him?

      Psaumes 90

      11 Who knows the power of your anger, your wrath according to the fear that is due to you?

      Psaumes 130

      3 If you, Yah, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?

      Jérémie 10

      7 Who should not fear you, King of the nations? For it appertains to you; because among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their royal estate, there is none like you.
      8 But they are together brutish and foolish: the instruction of idols! it is but a stock.
      9 There is silver beaten into plates, which is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, the work of the artificer and of the hands of the goldsmith; blue and purple for their clothing; they are all the work of skillful men.
      10 But Yahweh is the true God; he is the living God, and an everlasting King: at his wrath the earth trembles, and the nations are not able to withstand his indignation.

      Nahum 1

      6 Who can stand before his indignation? Who can endure the fierceness of his anger? His wrath is poured out like fire, and the rocks are broken apart by him.

      Matthieu 10

      28 Don't be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.

      1 Corinthiens 10

      22 Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he?

      Apocalypse 6

      16 They told the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb,
      17 for the great day of his wrath has come; and who is able to stand?"

      Apocalypse 14

      7 He said with a loud voice, "Fear the Lord, and give him glory; for the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and the springs of waters!"

      Apocalypse 15

      4 Who wouldn't fear you, Lord, and glorify your name? For you only are holy. For all the nations will come and worship before you. For your righteous acts have been revealed."

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