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2 Chroniques 26.20

Et Asaria, le principal sacrificateur, le regarda ainsi que tous les sacrificateurs, et voici, il avait la lèpre au front. Ils le firent donc sortir en hâte de là ; et lui-même se hâta de sortir, parce que l'Éternel l'avait frappé.
Et Azaria, le principal sacrificateur, et tous les sacrificateurs, le regardèrent ; et voici, il était lépreux au front ; et ils le chassèrent de là ; et lui aussi se hâta de sortir, car l'Éternel l'avait frappé.

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    • Lévitique 14

      34 "When you have come into the land of Canaan, which I give to you for a possession, and I put a spreading mildew in a house in the land of your possession,

      Deutéronome 28

      22 Yahweh will strike you with consumption, and with fever, and with inflammation, and with fiery heat, and with the sword, and with blight, and with mildew; and they shall pursue you until you perish.
      35 Yahweh will strike you in the knees, and in the legs, with a sore boil, of which you can not be healed, from the sole of your foot to the crown of your head.

      2 Chroniques 26

      20 Azariah the chief priest, and all the priests, looked on him, and behold, he was leprous in his forehead, and they thrust him out quickly from there; yes, himself hurried also to go out, because Yahweh had struck him.

      Esther 6

      12 Mordecai came back to the king's gate, but Haman hurried to his house, mourning and having his head covered.

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