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2 Thessaloniciens 3.1

Enfin, frères et sœurs, priez pour nous. Demandez que la parole du Seigneur se répande rapidement et qu’on l’honore partout, comme on le fait chez vous.

L'apôtre exprime sa confiance envers les Thessaloniciens ; il prie pour eux. (2 Thessaloniciens 3:1-5)
Il leur recommande de s'écarter de ceux qui marchent de manière désordonnée, particulièrement des paresseux et des désobéissants. (2 Thessaloniciens 3:6-15)
Paul conclut par une prière et des salutations adressées aux Thessaloniciens. (2 Thessaloniciens 3:16-18)

Les personnes qui pratiquent un ministère qui les oblige à s’éloigner de leurs proches dans la foi, ont l’espérance de pouvoir les rencontrer plus tard, devant le trône de la Grâce ; ceux qui ne peuvent bénéficier d’aucun soutien fraternel, peuvent, par le moyen de la Grâce, recevoir l’appui spirituel qui leur manque.

Les ennemis de la prédication de l'Évangile et les persécuteurs des fidèles serviteurs de Dieu, ne sont que des insensés et des méchants.

Beaucoup ne croient pas à l'Évangile ; d’ailleurs, il n'est pas étonnant de constater que de telles personnes n’ont pas le cœur en paix, et déploient toute leur méchanceté pour s'y opposer. Le péché est le plus grand des maux ; cependant, il en existe d'autres, dont nous avons besoin d’être préservés : nous disposons à ce sujet de tout l'encouragement à ne dépendre que de la Grâce divine. Le Seigneur nous a fait jadis cette promesse, laquelle est désormais inéluctable.

L'apôtre avait confiance en les Thessaloniciens, car il se basait premièrement sur celle qu’il avait en Dieu. Il pria pour eux, pour qu’ils bénéficient de nombreuses bénédictions spirituelles.

Notre péché et notre misère proviennent du fait que nous plaçons nos affections dans les vanités de ce monde. Il ne peut y avoir de véritable amour de Dieu, sans la foi en Jésus-Christ. Si, par la Grâce merveilleuse de Dieu, nous avons cette foi, que beaucoup hélas, ne possèdent pas, nous devons prier avec ferveur qu'Il nous rende capables, sans aucune réserve, d'obéir à Ses commandements, et que l'Esprit puisse diriger notre cœur, dans l'Amour de Dieu, et la Patience de Christ.
Au reste, frères, priez pour nous, afin que la parole du Seigneur ait un libre cours, et soit glorifiée partout, comme elle l'est parmi vous ;

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    • Psaumes 138

      2 I will bow down toward your holy temple, and give thanks to your Name for your loving kindness and for your truth; for you have exalted your Name and your Word above all.

      Matthieu 9

      38 Pray therefore that the Lord of the harvest will send out laborers into his harvest."

      Luc 10

      2 Then he said to them, "The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore to the Lord of the harvest, that he may send out laborers into his harvest.

      Actes 6

      7 The word of God increased and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem exceedingly. A great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.

      Actes 12

      24 But the word of God grew and multiplied.

      Actes 13

      48 As the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of God. As many as were appointed to eternal life believed.
      49 The Lord's word was spread abroad throughout all the region.

      Actes 19

      20 So the word of the Lord was growing and becoming mighty.

      Romains 15

      30 Now I beg you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the love of the Spirit, that you strive together with me in your prayers to God for me,

      1 Corinthiens 16

      9 for a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.

      2 Corinthiens 1

      11 you also helping together on our behalf by your supplication; that, for the gift bestowed on us by means of many, thanks may be given by many persons on your behalf.

      Ephésiens 6

      19 on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in opening my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the Good News,
      20 for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

      Colossiens 4

      3 praying together for us also, that God may open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds;

      1 Thessaloniciens 1

      5 and that our Good News came to you not in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit, and with much assurance. You know what kind of men we showed ourselves to be among you for your sake.
      8 For from you the word of the Lord has been declared, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith toward God has gone out; so that we need not to say anything.

      1 Thessaloniciens 2

      1 For you yourselves know, brothers, our visit to you wasn't in vain,
      13 For this cause we also thank God without ceasing, that, when you received from us the word of the message of God, you accepted it not as the word of men, but, as it is in truth, the word of God, which also works in you who believe.

      1 Thessaloniciens 4

      1 Finally then, brothers, we beg and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, that you abound more and more.

      1 Thessaloniciens 5

      17 Pray without ceasing.
      25 Brothers, pray for us.

      2 Thessaloniciens 3

      1 Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be glorified, even as also with you;

      2 Timothée 2

      9 in which I suffer hardship to the point of chains as a criminal. But God's word isn't chained.

      Hébreux 13

      18 Pray for us, for we are persuaded that we have a good conscience, desiring to live honorably in all things.
      19 I strongly urge you to do this, that I may be restored to you sooner.

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