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Proverbes 12.26

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    • Psaumes 16

      3 As for the saints who are in the earth, they are the excellent ones in whom is all my delight.

      Psaumes 18

      12 At the brightness before him his thick clouds passed, hailstones and coals of fire.
      13 Yahweh also thundered in the sky. The Most High uttered his voice: hailstones and coals of fire.

      Proverbes 12

      13 An evil man is trapped by sinfulness of lips, but the righteous shall come out of trouble.
      26 A righteous person is cautious in friendship, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.

      Proverbes 17

      27 He who spares his words has knowledge. He who is even tempered is a man of understanding.

      Matthieu 5

      46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Don't even the tax collectors do the same?
      47 If you only greet your friends, what more do you do than others? Don't even the tax collectors do the same?
      48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

      Luc 6

      32 If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.
      33 If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same.
      34 If you lend to those from whom you hope to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to receive back as much.
      35 But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing back; and your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High; for he is kind toward the unthankful and evil.
      36 Therefore be merciful, even as your Father is also merciful.

      Jacques 1

      13 Let no man say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God," for God can't be tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no one.
      14 But each one is tempted, when he is drawn away by his own lust, and enticed.

      1 Pierre 2

      18 Servants, be in subjection to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the wicked.
      19 For it is commendable if someone endures pain, suffering unjustly, because of conscience toward God.
      20 For what glory is it if, when you sin, you patiently endure beating? But if, when you do well, you patiently endure suffering, this is commendable with God.
      21 For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving you an example, that you should follow his steps,

      2 Pierre 2

      18 For, uttering great swelling words of emptiness, they entice in the lusts of the flesh, by licentiousness, those who are indeed escaping from those who live in error;
      19 promising them liberty, while they themselves are bondservants of corruption; for a man is brought into bondage by whoever overcomes him.
      20 For if, after they have escaped the defilement of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in it and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first.
      21 For it would be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after knowing it, to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them.
      22 But it has happened to them according to the true proverb, "The dog turns to his own vomit again," and "the sow that has washed to wallowing in the mire."

      1 Jean 2

      26 These things I have written to you concerning those who would lead you astray.

      Apocalypse 12

      9 The great dragon was thrown down, the old serpent, he who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

      Apocalypse 13

      14 He deceives my own people who dwell on the earth because of the signs he was granted to do in front of the beast; saying to those who dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast who had the sword wound and lived.

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