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Psaumes 69.4

Ceux qui me haïssent sans cause sont plus nombreux que les cheveux de ma tête ; ceux qui voudraient me perdre, qui sont à tort mes ennemis, sont puissants ; ce que je n'avais pas ravi, je l'ai alors rendu.
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    • Psaumes 7

      3 Yahweh, my God, if I have done this, if there is iniquity in my hands,
      4 if I have rewarded evil to him who was at peace with me (yes, if I have delivered him who without cause was my adversary),
      5 let the enemy pursue my soul, and overtake it; yes, let him tread my life down to the earth, and lay my glory in the dust. Selah.

      Psaumes 35

      11 Unrighteous witnesses rise up. They ask me about things that I don't know about.
      12 They reward me evil for good, to the bereaving of my soul.
      19 Don't let those who are my enemies wrongfully rejoice over me; neither let those who hate me without a cause wink their eyes.

      Psaumes 38

      19 But my enemies are vigorous and many. Those who hate me without reason are numerous.
      20 They who also render evil for good are adversaries to me, because I follow what is good.

      Psaumes 40

      12 For innumerable evils have surrounded me. My iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to look up. They are more than the hairs of my head. My heart has failed me.

      Psaumes 59

      3 For, behold, they lie in wait for my soul. The mighty gather themselves together against me, not for my disobedience, nor for my sin, Yahweh.

      Psaumes 69

      4 Those who hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head. Those who want to cut me off, being my enemies wrongfully, are mighty. I have to restore what I didn't take away.

      Psaumes 109

      3 They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, and fought against me without a cause.
      4 In return for my love, they are my adversaries; but I am in prayer.
      5 They have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love.

      Esaïe 53

      4 Surely he has borne our sickness, and carried our suffering; yet we considered him plagued, struck by God, and afflicted.
      5 But he was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought our peace was on him; and by his wounds we are healed.
      6 All we like sheep have gone astray. Everyone has turned to his own way; and Yahweh has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
      7 He was oppressed, yet when he was afflicted he didn't open his mouth. As a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and as a sheep that before its shearers is mute, so he didn't open his mouth.

      Jean 15

      25 But this happened so that the word may be fulfilled which was written in their law, 'They hated me without a cause.'

      2 Corinthiens 5

      21 For him who knew no sin he made to be sin on our behalf; so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

      1 Pierre 2

      22 who did not sin, "neither was deceit found in his mouth."
      24 who his own self bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live to righteousness; by whose stripes you were healed.

      1 Pierre 3

      18 Because Christ also suffered for sins once, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring you to God; being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit;

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