Campagne collectif missionnaire

1 Samuel 14.36

Saül dit : Descendons cette nuit après les Philistins, pillons-les jusqu'à la lumière du matin, et n'en laissons pas un de reste. Ils dirent : Fais tout ce qui te semblera bon. Alors le sacrificateur dit : Approchons-nous ici de Dieu.
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    • Nombres 27

      21 He shall stand before Eleazar the priest, who shall inquire for him by the judgment of the Urim before Yahweh: at his word shall they go out, and at his word they shall come in, both he, and all the children of Israel with him, even all the congregation."

      Josué 10

      9 Joshua therefore came on them suddenly. He went up from Gilgal all night.
      10 Yahweh confused them before Israel, and he killed them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them by the way of the ascent of Beth Horon, and struck them to Azekah and to Makkedah.
      11 It happened, as they fled from before Israel, while they were at the descent of Beth Horon, that Yahweh cast down great stones from the sky on them to Azekah, and they died. There were more who died from the hailstones than who the children of Israel killed with the sword.
      12 Then Joshua spoke to Yahweh in the day when Yahweh delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel; and he said in the sight of Israel, "Sun, stand still on Gibeon! You, moon, stop in the valley of Aijalon!"
      13 The sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the nation had avenged themselves of their enemies. Isn't this written in the book of Jashar? The sun stayed in the midst of the sky, and didn't hurry to go down about a whole day.
      14 There was no day like that before it or after it, that Yahweh listened to the voice of a man; for Yahweh fought for Israel.
      19 but don't stay. Pursue your enemies, and them from the rear. Don't allow them to enter into their cities; for Yahweh your God has delivered them into your hand."

      Josué 11

      14 The children of Israel took all the spoil of these cities, with the livestock, as spoils for themselves; but every man they struck with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them. They didn't leave any who breathed.

      1 Samuel 11

      11 It was so on the next day, that Saul put the people in three companies; and they came into the midst of the camp in the morning watch, and struck the Ammonites until the heat of the day: and it happened, that those who remained were scattered, so that no two of them were left together.

      1 Samuel 14

      3 and Ahijah, the son of Ahitub, Ichabod's brother, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eli, the priest of Yahweh in Shiloh, wearing an ephod. The people didn't know that Jonathan was gone.
      18 Saul said to Ahijah, "Bring the ark of God here." For the ark of God was with the children of Israel at that time.
      19 It happened, while Saul talked to the priest, that the tumult that was in the camp of the Philistines went on and increased: and Saul said to the priest, "Withdraw your hand!"
      36 Saul said, "Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and take spoil among them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them." They said, "Do whatever seems good to you." Then the priest said, "Let us draw near here to God."

      Psaumes 73

      28 But it is good for me to come close to God. I have made the Lord Yahweh my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.

      Esaïe 48

      1 "Hear this, house of Jacob, you who are called by the name of Israel, and have come forth out of the waters of Judah; who swear by the name of Yahweh, and make mention of the God of Israel, but not in truth, nor in righteousness
      2 (for they call themselves of the holy city, and stay themselves on the God of Israel; Yahweh of Armies is his name):

      Esaïe 58

      2 Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways: as a nation that did righteousness, and didn't forsake the ordinance of their God, they ask of me righteous judgments; they delight to draw near to God.

      Jérémie 6

      5 Arise, and let us go up by night, and let us destroy her palaces."

      Malachie 2

      7 For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth; for he is the messenger of Yahweh of Armies.

      Jacques 4

      8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

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