Cantique 8.5

Who is this who comes up from the wilderness, leaning on her beloved? Under the apple tree I aroused you. There your mother conceived you. There she was in labor and bore you.
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    • 2 Chroniques 32

      8 With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is Yahweh our God to help us, and to fight our battles." The people rested themselves on the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.

      Psaumes 45

      10 Listen, daughter, consider, and turn your ear. Forget your own people, and also your father's house.
      11 So the king will desire your beauty, honor him, for he is your lord.

      Psaumes 63

      8 My soul stays close to you. Your right hand holds me up.

      Psaumes 107

      2 Let the redeemed by Yahweh say so, whom he has redeemed from the hand of the adversary,
      3 And gathered out of the lands, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south.
      4 They wandered in the wilderness in a desert way. They found no city to live in.
      5 Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them.
      6 Then they cried to Yahweh in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses,
      7 he led them also by a straight way, that they might go to a city to live in.
      8 Let them praise Yahweh for his loving kindness, for his wonderful works to the children of men!

      Cantique 2

      3 As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, his fruit was sweet to my taste.

      Cantique 3

      4 I had scarcely passed from them, when I found him whom my soul loves. I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother's house, into the room of her who conceived me.
      6 Who is this who comes up from the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all spices of the merchant?
      11 Go forth, you daughters of Zion, and see king Solomon, with the crown with which his mother has crowned him, in the day of his weddings, in the day of the gladness of his heart. Lover

      Cantique 4

      8 Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, with me from Lebanon. Look from the top of Amana, from the top of Senir and Hermon, from the lions' dens, from the mountains of the leopards.

      Cantique 6

      10 Who is she who looks forth as the morning, beautiful as the moon, clear as the sun, and awesome as an army with banners?

      Cantique 8

      1 Oh that you were like my brother, who nursed from the breasts of my mother! If I found you outside, I would kiss you; yes, and no one would despise me.
      5 Who is this who comes up from the wilderness, leaning on her beloved? Under the apple tree I aroused you. There your mother conceived you. There she was in labor and bore you.

      Esaïe 26

      3 You will keep whoever's mind is steadfast in perfect peace, because he trusts in you.
      4 Trust in Yahweh forever; for in Yah, Yahweh, is an everlasting Rock.

      Esaïe 36

      6 Behold, you trust in the staff of this bruised reed, even in Egypt, which if a man leans on it, it will go into his hand and pierce it. So is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who trust in him.

      Esaïe 40

      3 The voice of one who calls out, "Prepare the way of Yahweh in the wilderness! Make a level highway in the desert for our God.

      Esaïe 43

      19 Behold, I will do a new thing. It springs forth now. Don't you know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

      Esaïe 49

      20 The children of your bereavement shall yet say in your ears, The place is too small for me; give place to me that I may dwell.
      21 Then you will say in your heart, 'Who has conceived these for me, since I have been bereaved of my children, and am solitary, an exile, and wandering back and forth? Who has brought up these? Behold, I was left alone; these, where were they?'"
      22 Thus says the Lord Yahweh, "Behold, I will lift up my hand to the nations, and set up my banner to the peoples; and they shall bring your sons in their bosom, and your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders.
      23 Kings shall be your nursing fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers: they shall bow down to you with their faces to the earth, and lick the dust of your feet; and you shall know that I am Yahweh; and those who wait for me shall not be disappointed."

      Jérémie 2

      2 "Go, and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, 'Thus says Yahweh, "I remember for you the kindness of your youth, the love of your weddings; how you went after me in the wilderness, in a land that was not sown.

      Osée 12

      4 Indeed, he struggled with the angel, and prevailed; he wept, and made supplication to him. He found him at Bethel, and there he spoke with us,

      Michée 3

      11 Her leaders judge for bribes, and her priests teach for a price, and her prophets of it tell fortunes for money: yet they lean on Yahweh, and say, "Isn't Yahweh in the midst of us? No disaster will come on us."

      Jean 1

      48 Nathanael said to him, "How do you know me?" Jesus answered him, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you."
      49 Nathanael answered him, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are King of Israel!"
      50 Jesus answered him, "Because I told you, 'I saw you underneath the fig tree,' do you believe? You will see greater things than these!"
      51 He said to him, "Most certainly, I tell you, hereafter you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man."

      Jean 13

      23 One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was at the table, leaning against Jesus' breast.

      Actes 27

      23 For there stood by me this night an angel, belonging to the God whose I am and whom I serve,
      24 saying, 'Don't be afraid, Paul. You must stand before Caesar. Behold, God has granted you all those who sail with you.'
      25 Therefore, sirs, cheer up! For I believe God, that it will be just as it has been spoken to me.

      Romains 7

      4 Therefore, my brothers, you also were made dead to the law through the body of Christ, that you would be joined to another, to him who was raised from the dead, that we might bring forth fruit to God.

      2 Corinthiens 12

      9 He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Most gladly therefore I will rather glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest on me.
      10 Therefore I take pleasure in weaknesses, in injuries, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then am I strong.

      Galates 4

      19 My little children, of whom I am again in travail until Christ is formed in you--

      Ephésiens 1

      12 to the end that we should be to the praise of his glory, we who had before hoped in Christ:
      13 in whom you also, having heard the word of the truth, the Good News of your salvation--in whom, having also believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,

      1 Pierre 1

      21 who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead, and gave him glory; so that your faith and hope might be in God.

      Apocalypse 12

      6 The woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that there they may nourish her one thousand two hundred sixty days.

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