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Esaïe 31.3

Les Égyptiens ne sont que des hommes, ils ne sont pas des dieux. Leurs chevaux ne sont que des animaux, ils ne sont rien de plus. Quand le SEIGNEUR étend sa main, celui qui devait aider tombe, celui qui a demandé de l’aide s’écroule, et c’est la mort pour tous les deux.
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    • Deutéronome 32

      30 How could one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, and Yahweh had delivered them up?
      31 For their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being judges.

      Psaumes 9

      20 Put them in fear, Yahweh. Let the nations know that they are only men. Selah.

      Psaumes 33

      17 A horse is a vain thing for safety, neither does he deliver any by his great power.

      Psaumes 146

      3 Don't put your trust in princes, each a son of man in whom there is no help.
      4 His spirit departs, and he returns to the earth. In that very day, his thoughts perish.
      5 Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in Yahweh, his God:

      Esaïe 9

      17 Therefore the Lord will not rejoice over their young men, neither will he have compassion on their fatherless and widows; for everyone is profane and an evildoer, and every mouth speaks folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

      Esaïe 30

      5 They shall all be ashamed because of a people that can't profit them, that are not a help nor profit, but a shame, and also a reproach."
      7 For Egypt helps in vain, and to no purpose; therefore have I called her Rahab who sits still.

      Esaïe 31

      3 Now the Egyptians are men, and not God; and their horses flesh, and not spirit. When Yahweh stretches out his hand, both he who helps shall stumble, and he who is helped shall fall, and they all shall be consumed together.

      Esaïe 36

      6 Behold, you trust in the staff of this bruised reed, even in Egypt, which if a man leans on it, it will go into his hand and pierce it. So is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who trust in him.
      9 How then can you turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's servants, and put your trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen?

      Jérémie 15

      6 You have rejected me, says Yahweh, you have gone backward: therefore have I stretched out my hand against you, and destroyed you; I am weary with repenting.

      Jérémie 37

      7 Thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel, You shall tell the king of Judah, who sent you to me to inquire of me: Behold, Pharaoh's army, which has come forth to help you, shall return to Egypt into their own land.
      8 The Chaldeans shall come again, and fight against this city; and they shall take it, and burn it with fire.
      9 Thus says Yahweh, Don't deceive yourselves, saying, The Chaldeans shall surely depart from us; for they shall not depart.
      10 For though you had struck the whole army of the Chaldeans who fight against you, and there remained but wounded men among them, yes would they rise up every man in his tent, and burn this city with fire.

      Ezéchiel 20

      33 As I live, says the Lord Yahweh, surely with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with wrath poured out, will I be king over you:
      34 and I will bring you out from the peoples, and will gather you out of the countries in which you are scattered, with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with wrath poured out;

      Ezéchiel 28

      9 Will you yet say before him who kills you, I am God? but you are man, and not God, in the hand of him who wounds you.

      Actes 12

      22 The people shouted, "The voice of a god, and not of a man!"
      23 Immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he didn't give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms and died.

      2 Thessaloniciens 2

      4 he who opposes and exalts himself against all that is called God or that is worshiped; so that he sits as God in the temple of God, setting himself up as God.
      5 Don't you remember that, when I was still with you, I told you these things?
      6 Now you know what is restraining him, to the end that he may be revealed in his own season.
      7 For the mystery of lawlessness already works. Only there is one who restrains now, until he is taken out of the way.
      8 Then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will kill with the breath of his mouth, and destroy by the manifestation of his coming;

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