Esaïe 63.16

Car c’est toi qui es notre père, Abraham, notre ancêtre, nous ignore, et Jacob ne nous connaît pas ; mais toi, Seigneur, tu es notre père, toi qu’on nomme depuis toujours “notre Libérateur”.
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    • Exode 4

      22 You shall tell Pharaoh, 'Thus says Yahweh, Israel is my son, my firstborn,

      Deutéronome 32

      6 Do you thus requite Yahweh, foolish people and unwise? Isn't he your father who has bought you? He has made you, and established you.

      1 Chroniques 29

      10 Therefore David blessed Yahweh before all the assembly; and David said, "You are blessed, Yahweh, the God of Israel our father, forever and ever.

      Job 14

      21 His sons come to honor, and he doesn't know it. They are brought low, but he doesn't perceive it of them.

      Ecclésiaste 9

      5 For the living know that they will die, but the dead don't know anything, neither do they have any more a reward; for their memory is forgotten.

      Esaïe 41

      14 Don't be afraid, you worm Jacob, and you men of Israel. I will help you," says Yahweh, "and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel.

      Esaïe 43

      14 Thus says Yahweh, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "For your sake, I have sent to Babylon, and I will bring all of them down as fugitives, even the Chaldeans, in the ships of their rejoicing.

      Esaïe 44

      6 This is what Yahweh, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer, Yahweh of Armies, says: "I am the first, and I am the last; and besides me there is no God.

      Esaïe 54

      5 For your Maker is your husband; Yahweh of Armies is his name: and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; the God of the whole earth shall he be called.

      Esaïe 63

      12 who caused his glorious arm to go at the right hand of Moses? who divided the waters before them, to make himself an everlasting name?
      16 For you are our Father, though Abraham doesn't know us, and Israel does not acknowledge us: you, Yahweh, are our Father; our Redeemer from everlasting is your name.

      Esaïe 64

      8 But now, Yahweh, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you our potter; and we all are the work of your hand.

      Jérémie 3

      19 "But I said, 'How I would put you among the children, and give you a pleasant land, a goodly heritage of the armies of the nations!' and I said, 'You shall call me "My Father," and shall not turn away from following me.'

      Jérémie 31

      9 They shall come with weeping; and with petitions will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by rivers of waters, in a straight way in which they shall not stumble; for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn.

      Malachie 1

      6 "A son honors his father, and a servant his master. If I am a father, then where is my honor? And if I am a master, where is the respect due me? Says Yahweh of Armies to you, priests, who despise my name. You say, 'How have we despised your name?'

      Malachie 2

      10 Don't we all have one father? Hasn't one God created us? Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, profaning the covenant of our fathers?

      Matthieu 6

      9 Pray like this: 'Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.

      1 Pierre 1

      18 knowing that you were redeemed, not with corruptible things, with silver or gold, from the useless way of life handed down from your fathers,
      19 but with precious blood, as of a faultless and pure lamb, the blood of Christ;
      20 who was foreknown indeed before the foundation of the world, but was revealed at the end of times for your sake,
      21 who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead, and gave him glory; so that your faith and hope might be in God.

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