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Genèse 19.19

Voici, j'ai trouvé grâce à tes yeux, et tu as montré la grandeur de ta miséricorde à mon égard, en me conservant la vie ; mais je ne puis me sauver à la montagne, avant que le désastre m'atteigne, et je périrai.
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    • Genèse 12

      13 Please say that you are my sister, that it may be well with me for your sake, and that my soul may live because of you."

      Genèse 19

      19 See now, your servant has found favor in your sight, and you have magnified your loving kindness, which you have shown to me in saving my life. I can't escape to the mountain, lest evil overtake me, and I die.

      Deutéronome 31

      17 Then my anger shall be kindled against them in that day, and I will forsake them, and I will hide my face from them, and they shall be devoured, and many evils and troubles shall come on them; so that they will say in that day, 'Haven't these evils come on us because our God is not among us?'

      1 Samuel 27

      1 David said in his heart, "I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul. There is nothing better for me than that I should escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul will despair of me, to seek me any more in all the borders of Israel. So shall I escape out of his hand."

      1 Rois 9

      9 and they shall answer, 'Because they forsook Yahweh their God, who brought their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and laid hold of other gods, and worshiped them, and served them. Therefore Yahweh has brought all this evil on them.'"

      Psaumes 18

      1 <> I love you, Yahweh, my strength.
      2 Yahweh is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower.
      3 I call on Yahweh, who is worthy to be praised; and I am saved from my enemies.
      4 The cords of death surrounded me. The floods of ungodliness made me afraid.
      5 The cords of Sheol were around me. The snares of death came on me.
      6 In my distress I called on Yahweh, and cried to my God. He heard my voice out of his temple. My cry before him came into his ears.
      7 Then the earth shook and trembled. The foundations also of the mountains quaked and were shaken, because he was angry.
      8 Smoke went out of his nostrils. Consuming fire came out of his mouth. Coals were kindled by it.
      9 He bowed the heavens also, and came down. Thick darkness was under his feet.
      10 He rode on a cherub, and flew. Yes, he soared on the wings of the wind.
      11 He made darkness his hiding place, his pavilion around him, darkness of waters, thick clouds of the skies.
      12 At the brightness before him his thick clouds passed, hailstones and coals of fire.
      13 Yahweh also thundered in the sky. The Most High uttered his voice: hailstones and coals of fire.
      14 He sent out his arrows, and scattered them; Yes, great lightning bolts, and routed them.
      15 Then the channels of waters appeared. The foundations of the world were laid bare at your rebuke, Yahweh, at the blast of the breath of your nostrils.
      16 He sent from on high. He took me. He drew me out of many waters.
      17 He delivered me from my strong enemy, from those who hated me; for they were too mighty for me.
      18 They came on me in the day of my calamity, but Yahweh was my support.
      19 He brought me forth also into a large place. He delivered me, because he delighted in me.
      20 Yahweh has rewarded me according to my righteousness. According to the cleanness of my hands has he recompensed me.
      21 For I have kept the ways of Yahweh, and have not wickedly departed from my God.
      22 For all his ordinances were before me. I didn't put away his statutes from me.
      23 I was also blameless with him. I kept myself from my iniquity.
      24 Therefore Yahweh has rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in his eyesight.
      25 With the merciful you will show yourself merciful. With the perfect man, you will show yourself perfect.
      26 With the pure, you will show yourself pure. With the crooked you will show yourself shrewd.
      27 For you will save the afflicted people, but the haughty eyes you will bring down.
      28 For you will light my lamp, Yahweh. My God will light up my darkness.
      29 For by you, I advance through a troop. By my God, I leap over a wall.
      30 As for God, his way is perfect. The word of Yahweh is tried. He is a shield to all those who take refuge in him.
      31 For who is God, except Yahweh? Who is a rock, besides our God,
      32 the God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect?
      33 He makes my feet like deer's feet, and sets me on my high places.
      34 He teaches my hands to war, so that my arms bend a bow of bronze.
      35 You have also given me the shield of your salvation. Your right hand sustains me. Your gentleness has made me great.
      36 You have enlarged my steps under me, My feet have not slipped.
      37 I will pursue my enemies, and overtake them. Neither will I turn again until they are consumed.
      38 I will strike them through, so that they will not be able to rise. They shall fall under my feet.
      39 For you have armed me with strength to the battle. You have subdued under me those who rose up against me.
      40 You have also made my enemies turn their backs to me, that I might cut off those who hate me.
      41 They cried, but there was none to save; even to Yahweh, but he didn't answer them.
      42 Then I beat them small as the dust before the wind. I cast them out as the mire of the streets.
      43 You have delivered me from the strivings of the people. You have made me the head of the nations. A people whom I have not known shall serve me.
      44 As soon as they hear of me they shall obey me. The foreigners shall submit themselves to me.
      45 The foreigners shall fade away, and shall come trembling out of their close places.
      46 Yahweh lives; and blessed be my rock. Exalted be the God of my salvation,
      47 even the God who executes vengeance for me, and subdues peoples under me.
      48 He rescues me from my enemies. Yes, you lift me up above those who rise up against me. You deliver me from the violent man.
      49 Therefore I will give thanks to you, Yahweh, among the nations, and will sing praises to your name.
      50 He gives great deliverance to his king, and shows loving kindness to his anointed, to David and to his seed, forevermore.

      Psaumes 40

      1 <> I waited patiently for Yahweh. He turned to me, and heard my cry.
      2 He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay. He set my feet on a rock, and gave me a firm place to stand.
      3 He has put a new song in my mouth, even praise to our God. Many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in Yahweh.
      4 Blessed is the man who makes Yahweh his trust, and doesn't respect the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.
      5 Many, Yahweh, my God, are the wonderful works which you have done, and your thoughts which are toward us. They can't be declared back to you. If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.
      6 Sacrifice and offering you didn't desire. You have opened my ears. You have not required burnt offering and sin offering.
      7 Then I said, "Behold, I have come. It is written about me in the book in the scroll.
      8 I delight to do your will, my God. Yes, your law is within my heart."
      9 I have proclaimed glad news of righteousness in the great assembly. Behold, I will not seal my lips, Yahweh, you know.
      10 I have not hidden your righteousness within my heart. I have declared your faithfulness and your salvation. I have not concealed your loving kindness and your truth from the great assembly.
      11 Don't withhold your tender mercies from me, Yahweh. Let your loving kindness and your truth continually preserve me.
      12 For innumerable evils have surrounded me. My iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to look up. They are more than the hairs of my head. My heart has failed me.
      13 Be pleased, Yahweh, to deliver me. Hurry to help me, Yahweh.
      14 Let them be disappointed and confounded together who seek after my soul to destroy it. Let them be turned backward and brought to dishonor who delight in my hurt.
      15 Let them be desolate by reason of their shame that tell me, "Aha! Aha!"
      16 Let all those who seek you rejoice and be glad in you. Let such as love your salvation say continually, "Let Yahweh be exalted!"
      17 But I am poor and needy. May the Lord think about me. You are my help and my deliverer. Don't delay, my God.

      Psaumes 77

      7 "Will the Lord reject us forever? Will he be favorable no more?
      8 Has his loving kindness vanished forever? Does his promise fail for generations?
      9 Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has he, in anger, withheld his compassion?" Selah.
      10 Then I thought, "I will appeal to this: the years of the right hand of the Most High."
      11 I will remember Yah's deeds; for I will remember your wonders of old.

      Psaumes 103

      1 <> Praise Yahweh, my soul! All that is within me, praise his holy name!
      2 Praise Yahweh, my soul, and don't forget all his benefits;
      3 who forgives all your sins; who heals all your diseases;
      4 who redeems your life from destruction; who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies;
      5 who satisfies your desire with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.
      6 Yahweh executes righteous acts, and justice for all who are oppressed.
      7 He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the children of Israel.
      8 Yahweh is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness.
      9 He will not always accuse; neither will he stay angry forever.
      10 He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor repaid us for our iniquities.
      11 For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his loving kindness toward those who fear him.
      12 As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
      13 Like a father has compassion on his children, so Yahweh has compassion on those who fear him.
      14 For he knows how we are made. He remembers that we are dust.
      15 As for man, his days are like grass. As a flower of the field, so he flourishes.
      16 For the wind passes over it, and it is gone. Its place remembers it no more.
      17 But Yahweh's loving kindness is from everlasting to everlasting with those who fear him, his righteousness to children's children;
      18 to those who keep his covenant, to those who remember to obey his precepts.
      19 Yahweh has established his throne in the heavens. His kingdom rules over all.
      20 Praise Yahweh, you angels of his, who are mighty in strength, who fulfill his word, obeying the voice of his word.
      21 Praise Yahweh, all you armies of his, you servants of his, who do his pleasure.
      22 Praise Yahweh, all you works of his, in all places of his dominion. Praise Yahweh, my soul!

      Psaumes 106

      1 Praise Yahweh! Give thanks to Yahweh, for he is good, for his loving kindness endures forever.

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