TopTV VidĂ©o Enseignement Le mystĂšre de la priĂšre (2/2) - Joyce Meyer - FortifiĂ© par la foi car les priĂšres qui sortent des lĂšvres ne plaisent pas Ă dieu il faut que notre coeur soit connectĂ© à ⊠Joyce Meyer EzĂ©chiel 22.1-31 TopMessages Message texte Allons reconstruire ! NĂ©hĂ©mie Durant le mois de kisleu, la vingtiĂšme annĂ©e du rĂšgne dâArtaxerxĂ©s, alors que je me trouvais Ă Suse la ⊠Myriam Medina EzĂ©chiel 22.1-26 TopTV VidĂ©o BibleProject français ĂzĂ©chiel 1â33 - SynthĂšse Pour lire le livre d'ĂzĂ©kiel sur TopBible cliquez-ici ! ĂzĂ©chiel 1â33 RedĂ©couvrez le livre dâĂzĂ©chiel Ă travers notre sĂ©rie Lire ⊠BibleProject français EzĂ©chiel 1.1-33 Segond 21 Ses prophĂštes recouvrent tout cela de crĂ©pi, par leurs fausses visions et leurs prĂ©dictions mensongĂšres. Ils affirment : âVoici ce que dit le Seigneur, l'Eternelâalors que l'Eternel nâa pas parlĂ©. Segond 1910 Et ses prophĂštes ont pour eux des enduits de plĂątre, de vaines visions, des oracles menteurs ; ils disent : Ainsi parle le Seigneur, l'Ăternel ! Et l'Ăternel ne leur a point parlĂ©. Segond 1978 (Colombe) © Ses prophĂštes ont pour eux des enduits de badigeon, de vaines visions, des divinations mensongĂšres ; ils disent : Ainsi parle le Seigneur, lâĂternel ! Et lâĂternel nâa point parlĂ©. Parole de Vie © Leurs prophĂštes recouvrent tout cela sous une couche de plĂątre. Ils racontent des visions quâils inventent, ils annoncent des choses fausses. Ils disent : âVoici les paroles du Seigneur DIEU.â Pourtant, moi, je ne leur ai pas parlĂ©. Français Courant © Leurs prophĂštes masquent tout cela sous une couche de badigeon. Ils racontent des visions imaginaires et prĂ©disent des mensonges. Ils prĂ©tendent transmettre un message de ma part alors que moi, le Seigneur, je ne leur ai pas parlĂ©. Semeur © Et tes prophĂštes enduisent tous ces crimes de crĂ©pi. Ils ont des visions trompeuses et vous dĂ©bitent de fausses divinations. Ils disent : âAinsi parle le Seigneur, lâEternelâ, alors que lâEternel nâa pas parlĂ©. Darby Et ses prophĂštes leur ont fait des enduits de mauvais mortier, ayant des visions de vanitĂ© et devinant pour eux le mensonge, disant : Ainsi dit le Seigneur, l'Ăternel ; -et l'Ăternel n'a point parlĂ©. Martin Ses ProphĂštes aussi les ont enduits de mortier mal liĂ©Â ; ils ont des visions fausses, et ils leur devinent le mensonge, en disant : ainsi a dit le Seigneur l'Eternel ; et cependant l'Eternel n'avait point parlĂ©. Ostervald Ses prophĂštes les enduisent de mortier ; ils ont des visions trompeuses, et prononcent des oracles menteurs en disant : "Ainsi a dit le Seigneur, l'Ăternel", quand l'Ăternel n'a point parlĂ©. HĂ©breu / Grec - Texte original © ŚÖŒŚ Ö°ŚÖŽŚŚÖ¶ÖŚŚÖž ŚÖžŚÖ€ŚÖŒ ŚÖžŚÖ¶ŚÖ ŚȘ֌֞Ś€Ö”ÖŚ ŚÖčŚÖŽÖŁŚŚ Ś©ŚÖžÖŚÖ°Ś ŚÖ°Ś§Ö茥ְŚÖŽÖ„ŚŚ ŚÖžŚÖ¶ÖŚ ŚÖŒÖžŚÖžÖŚ ŚÖčŚÖ°ŚšÖŽÖŚŚ ŚÖŒÖčÖ€Ś ŚÖžŚÖ·ŚšÖ ŚÖČŚÖčŚ ÖžÖŁŚ ŚÖ°ŚŚÖŽÖŚ ŚÖ·ÖœŚŚŚÖžÖŚ ŚÖčÖ„Ś ŚÖŽŚÖŒÖ”ÖœŚšŚ World English Bible Her prophets have plastered for them with whitewash, seeing false visions, and divining lies to them, saying, Thus says the Lord Yahweh, when Yahweh has not spoken. La bible annotĂ©e Commentaire de Matthew Henry Pour l'image de plĂątrer, comparez 13.10.Des visions vaines : comparez 13.6-12 ; JĂ©rĂ©mie 23.25-32 ; 27.9-11. Et pour tout ce passage, comparez Sophonie 3.1-4. Autres ressources sur, contact Aucun commentaire associĂ© Ă ce passage. Matthew Henry © traduction Dominique OschĂ© Et ses prophĂštes 05030 ont pour eux des enduits 02902 08804 de plĂątre 08602, de vaines 02374 visions 07723, des oracles 07080 08802 menteurs 03577 ; ils disent 0559 08802 : Ainsi parle 0559 08804 le Seigneur 0136, lâEternel 03069 ! Et lâEternel 03068 ne leur a point parlĂ© 01696 08765. 0136 - 'Adonaymon seigneur, seigneur d'un homme de Dieu titre donnĂ© au lieu de YahvĂ© par les ⊠0559 - 'amardire, parler, prononcer rĂ©pondre, penser, commander, promettre, avoir l'intention de ĂȘtre entendu, ĂȘtre appelĂ© se ⊠01696 - dabarparler, dĂ©clarer, converser, commander, promettre, avertir, menacer, chanter 02374 - chozehvoyant vision traitĂ©, alliance 02902 - tuwachĂ©tendre par dessus, recouvrir, plĂątrer, revĂȘtir de, barbouiller (Qal) couvrir, revĂȘtir de, recouvrir (Niphal) ĂȘtre ⊠03068 - YÄhovahl'Ăternel (JĂ©hovah, ou mieux: YahvĂ©) = « celui qui est l'existant » le nom propre ⊠03069 - YÄhovihĂternel Ă©quivalent Ă 03068 pointĂ© avec les voyelles de 0430 03577 - kazabun mensonge, contre vĂ©ritĂ©, faussetĂ©, chose trompeuse, tromperie, idole 05030 - nabiy'l'homme qui parle, un prophĂšte, interprĂšte de la pensĂ©e de Dieu prophĂšte faux prophĂšte prophĂšte ⊠07080 - qacam(Qal) pratiquer la divination, deviner des devins des nations, Balaam des faux prophĂštes d'IsraĂ«l dĂ©fendu 07723 - shav'vide, vanitĂ©, mensonge, faussetĂ© vide: nĂ©ant, vanitĂ© vide: d'un discours, mensonge indignitĂ© (de conduite) 08602 - tAfelinsensĂ©, insipide (BDB) sans saveur, non assaisonnĂ© n m blanc de chaux sens incertain 08765Radical : Piel 08840 Mode : Parfait 08816 Nombre : 2121 08802Radical : Qal 08851 Mode : Participe Actif 08814 Nombre : 5386 08804Radical : Qal 08851 Mode : Parfait 08816 Nombre : 12562 © Ăditions CLĂ, avec autorisation EZĂCHIEL (ProphĂšte)DĂ©finition biblique de EzĂ©chiel : ĂzĂ©chiel fut par excellence le prophĂšte des Juifs exilĂ©s en Babylonie. Selon toute vraisemblance, ĂzĂ©chiel ⊠ISRAĂL (Histoire et Religion 8.)7. L'Exil Ă Babylone. Plaçons-nous maintenant en face d'un fait extraordinaire : c'est qu'en dĂ©pit de la complĂšte rupture apparente ⊠JOĂL (livre de)Le second livre des douze « petits prophĂštes » est trĂšs court : 73 versets divisĂ©s en 3 chapitres (en ⊠MAISON(HĂ©br., beth ; grec, otkia) 1. Origines. L'histoire des habitations humaines en Palestine remonte jusqu'Ă l'Ă©poque indĂ©terminĂ©e de l'Ăąge palĂ©olithique ⊠PĂCHĂ (4.)IV Les prophĂštes. L'enseignement des prophĂštes (voir ce mot), Ă partir du VIII e siĂšcle, constitue une Ă©tape nouvelle, et ⊠ZACHARIE (livre de)Ce livre se compose de deux parties, dont la diffĂ©rence Ă©clate Ă la premiĂšre lecture. Dans la premiĂšre (1-8), le ⊠Ces vidĂ©os ne sont pas disponibles en colonnes en dehors de la vue Bible. EsaĂŻe 30 10 who tell the seers, "Don't see!" and to the prophets, "Don't prophesy to us right things. Tell us pleasant things. Prophesy deceits. JĂ©rĂ©mie 8 10 Therefore will I give their wives to others, and their fields to those who shall possess them: for everyone from the least even to the greatest is given to covetousness; from the prophet even to the priest every one deals falsely. 11 They have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace. JĂ©rĂ©mie 23 21 I sent not these prophets, yet they ran: I didn't speak to them, yet they prophesied. 25 I have heard what the prophets have said, who prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. 26 How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies, even the prophets of the deceit of their own heart? 27 who think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor, as their fathers forgot my name for Baal. 28 The prophet who has a dream, let him tell a dream; and he who has my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the straw to the wheat? says Yahweh. 29 Isn't my word like fire? says Yahweh; and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? 30 Therefore behold, I am against the prophets, says Yahweh, who steal my words everyone from his neighbor. 31 Behold, I am against the prophets, says Yahweh, who use their tongues, and say, He says. 32 Behold, I am against those who prophesy lying dreams, says Yahweh, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their vain boasting: yet I didn't send them, nor commanded them; neither do they profit this people at all, says Yahweh. JĂ©rĂ©mie 28 2 Thus speaks Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel, saying, I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon. 15 Then the prophet Jeremiah said to Hananiah the prophet, Hear now, Hananiah: Yahweh has not sent you; but you make this people to trust in a lie. JĂ©rĂ©mie 29 8 For thus says Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel: Don't let your prophets who are in the midst of you, and your diviners, deceive you; neither listen to your dreams which you cause to be dreamed. 9 For they prophesy falsely to you in my name: I have not sent them, says Yahweh. JĂ©rĂ©mie 37 19 Where now are your prophets who prophesied to you, saying, The king of Babylon shall not come against you, nor against this land? Lamentations 2 14 Your prophets have seen for you false and foolish visions; They have not uncovered your iniquity, to bring back your captivity, but have seen for you false oracles and causes of banishment. EzĂ©chiel 13 6 They have seen falsehood and lying divination, who say, Yahweh says; but Yahweh has not sent them: and they have made men to hope that the word would be confirmed. 7 Haven't you seen a false vision, and haven't you spoken a lying divination, in that you say, Yahweh says; but I have not spoken? 10 Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there is no peace; and when one builds up a wall, behold, they plaster it with whitewash: 11 tell those who plaster it with whitewash, that it shall fall: there shall be an overflowing shower; and you, great hailstones, shall fall; and a stormy wind shall tear it. 12 Behold, when the wall has fallen, shall it not be said to you, Where is the plaster with which you have plastered it? 13 Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: I will even tear it with a stormy wind in my wrath; and there shall be an overflowing shower in my anger, and great hailstones in wrath to consume it. 14 So will I break down the wall that you have plastered with whitewash, and bring it down to the ground, so that its foundation shall be uncovered; and it shall fall, and you shall be consumed in its midst: and you shall know that I am Yahweh. 15 Thus will I accomplish my wrath on the wall, and on those who have plastered it with whitewash; and I will tell you, The wall is no more, neither those who plastered it; 16 to wit, the prophets of Israel who prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and who see visions of peace for her, and there is no peace, says the Lord Yahweh. 22 Because with lies you have grieved the heart of the righteous, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, and be saved alive: 23 Therefore you shall no more see false visions, nor practice divination. I will deliver my people out of your hand; and you shall know that I am Yahweh. EzĂ©chiel 21 29 while they see for you false visions, while they divine lies to you, to lay you on the necks of the wicked who are deadly wounded, whose day has come in the time of the iniquity of the end. EzĂ©chiel 22 25 There is a conspiracy of her prophets in its midst, like a roaring lion ravening the prey: they have devoured souls; they take treasure and precious things; they have made her widows many in its midst. Sophonie 3 4 Her prophets are arrogant and treacherous people. Her priests have profaned the sanctuary. They have done violence to the law. Ajouter une colonne Pour ajouter un favori, merci de vous connecter : Se connecter Copier --toreplace-- Vous avez aimĂ© ? Partagez autour de vous ! Partager par email Cette page a Ă©tĂ© partagĂ©e par email avec succĂšs ! GĂ©nĂ©rer un verset illustrĂ© TĂ©lĂ©charger l'image Choisissez une image Personnalisez le verset Alignement : | | | Haut | Milieu | Bas Taille : Couleur : Police : Acme Alfa Slab One Anton Balsamiq Sans Bebas Neue Dancing Script Lato Libre Caslon Display Londrina Solid Merriweather Montserrat Open Sans Oswald Pacifico Raleway Roboto Slab Shadows Into Light Srisakdi Personnalisez la rĂ©fĂ©rence Couleur : Police : Acme Alfa Slab One Anton Balsamiq Sans Bebas Neue Dancing Script Lato Libre Caslon Display Londrina Solid Merriweather Montserrat Open Sans Oswald Pacifico Raleway Roboto Slab Shadows Into Light Srisakdi Taille : De lĂ©gĂšres variations de mise en page peuvent apparaitre sur l'image tĂ©lĂ©chargĂ©e. Segond 21 Segond 1910 Segond 1978 (Colombe) Parole de Vie Français Courant Semeur Parole Vivante Darby Martin Ostervald HĂ©breu / Grec - Strong HĂ©breu / Grec - Texte original World English Bible Segond 21 Versions de la Bible Segond 21Segond 1910Segond 1978 (Colombe)Parole de VieFrançais CourantSemeurParole VivanteDarbyMartinOstervaldHĂ©breu / Grec - StrongHĂ©breu / Grec - Texte originalWorld English Bible Segond 21 Segond 1910 Segond 1978 (Colombe) Parole de Vie Français Courant Semeur Parole Vivante Darby Martin Ostervald HĂ©breu / Grec - Strong HĂ©breu / Grec - Texte original World English Bible Bible annotĂ©e Commentaires bibliques Dictionnaire Carte gĂ©ographique VidĂ©os et messages relatifs Ăvangiles en VidĂ©o Semeur Versions de la Bible Segond 21Segond 1910Segond 1978 (Colombe)Parole de VieFrançais CourantSemeurParole VivanteDarbyMartinOstervaldHĂ©breu / Grec - StrongHĂ©breu / Grec - Texte originalWorld English Bible Autres colonnes Bible annotĂ©eCommentaires bibliquesDictionnaireCarte gĂ©ographiqueVidĂ©os et messages relatifsĂvangiles en VidĂ©o Segond 21 Segond 1910 Segond 1978 (Colombe) Parole de Vie Français Courant Semeur Parole Vivante Darby Martin Ostervald HĂ©breu / Grec - Strong HĂ©breu / Grec - Texte original World English Bible Bible annotĂ©e Commentaires bibliques Dictionnaire Carte gĂ©ographique VidĂ©os et messages relatifs Ăvangiles en VidĂ©o Versions de la Bible Segond 21 Segond 1910 Segond 1978 (Colombe) Parole de Vie Français Courant Semeur Parole Vivante Darby Martin Ostervald HĂ©breu / Grec - Strong HĂ©breu / Grec - Texte original World English Bible Autres colonnes Bible annotĂ©e Commentaires bibliques Dictionnaire Carte gĂ©ographique VidĂ©os et messages relatifs Ăvangiles en VidĂ©o Fermer
TopMessages Message texte Allons reconstruire ! NĂ©hĂ©mie Durant le mois de kisleu, la vingtiĂšme annĂ©e du rĂšgne dâArtaxerxĂ©s, alors que je me trouvais Ă Suse la ⊠Myriam Medina EzĂ©chiel 22.1-26 TopTV VidĂ©o BibleProject français ĂzĂ©chiel 1â33 - SynthĂšse Pour lire le livre d'ĂzĂ©kiel sur TopBible cliquez-ici ! ĂzĂ©chiel 1â33 RedĂ©couvrez le livre dâĂzĂ©chiel Ă travers notre sĂ©rie Lire ⊠BibleProject français EzĂ©chiel 1.1-33 Segond 21 Ses prophĂštes recouvrent tout cela de crĂ©pi, par leurs fausses visions et leurs prĂ©dictions mensongĂšres. Ils affirment : âVoici ce que dit le Seigneur, l'Eternelâalors que l'Eternel nâa pas parlĂ©. Segond 1910 Et ses prophĂštes ont pour eux des enduits de plĂątre, de vaines visions, des oracles menteurs ; ils disent : Ainsi parle le Seigneur, l'Ăternel ! Et l'Ăternel ne leur a point parlĂ©. Segond 1978 (Colombe) © Ses prophĂštes ont pour eux des enduits de badigeon, de vaines visions, des divinations mensongĂšres ; ils disent : Ainsi parle le Seigneur, lâĂternel ! Et lâĂternel nâa point parlĂ©. Parole de Vie © Leurs prophĂštes recouvrent tout cela sous une couche de plĂątre. Ils racontent des visions quâils inventent, ils annoncent des choses fausses. Ils disent : âVoici les paroles du Seigneur DIEU.â Pourtant, moi, je ne leur ai pas parlĂ©. Français Courant © Leurs prophĂštes masquent tout cela sous une couche de badigeon. Ils racontent des visions imaginaires et prĂ©disent des mensonges. Ils prĂ©tendent transmettre un message de ma part alors que moi, le Seigneur, je ne leur ai pas parlĂ©. Semeur © Et tes prophĂštes enduisent tous ces crimes de crĂ©pi. Ils ont des visions trompeuses et vous dĂ©bitent de fausses divinations. Ils disent : âAinsi parle le Seigneur, lâEternelâ, alors que lâEternel nâa pas parlĂ©. Darby Et ses prophĂštes leur ont fait des enduits de mauvais mortier, ayant des visions de vanitĂ© et devinant pour eux le mensonge, disant : Ainsi dit le Seigneur, l'Ăternel ; -et l'Ăternel n'a point parlĂ©. Martin Ses ProphĂštes aussi les ont enduits de mortier mal liĂ©Â ; ils ont des visions fausses, et ils leur devinent le mensonge, en disant : ainsi a dit le Seigneur l'Eternel ; et cependant l'Eternel n'avait point parlĂ©. Ostervald Ses prophĂštes les enduisent de mortier ; ils ont des visions trompeuses, et prononcent des oracles menteurs en disant : "Ainsi a dit le Seigneur, l'Ăternel", quand l'Ăternel n'a point parlĂ©. HĂ©breu / Grec - Texte original © ŚÖŒŚ Ö°ŚÖŽŚŚÖ¶ÖŚŚÖž ŚÖžŚÖ€ŚÖŒ ŚÖžŚÖ¶ŚÖ ŚȘ֌֞Ś€Ö”ÖŚ ŚÖčŚÖŽÖŁŚŚ Ś©ŚÖžÖŚÖ°Ś ŚÖ°Ś§Ö茥ְŚÖŽÖ„ŚŚ ŚÖžŚÖ¶ÖŚ ŚÖŒÖžŚÖžÖŚ ŚÖčŚÖ°ŚšÖŽÖŚŚ ŚÖŒÖčÖ€Ś ŚÖžŚÖ·ŚšÖ ŚÖČŚÖčŚ ÖžÖŁŚ ŚÖ°ŚŚÖŽÖŚ ŚÖ·ÖœŚŚŚÖžÖŚ ŚÖčÖ„Ś ŚÖŽŚÖŒÖ”ÖœŚšŚ World English Bible Her prophets have plastered for them with whitewash, seeing false visions, and divining lies to them, saying, Thus says the Lord Yahweh, when Yahweh has not spoken. La bible annotĂ©e Commentaire de Matthew Henry Pour l'image de plĂątrer, comparez 13.10.Des visions vaines : comparez 13.6-12 ; JĂ©rĂ©mie 23.25-32 ; 27.9-11. Et pour tout ce passage, comparez Sophonie 3.1-4. Autres ressources sur, contact Aucun commentaire associĂ© Ă ce passage. Matthew Henry © traduction Dominique OschĂ© Et ses prophĂštes 05030 ont pour eux des enduits 02902 08804 de plĂątre 08602, de vaines 02374 visions 07723, des oracles 07080 08802 menteurs 03577 ; ils disent 0559 08802 : Ainsi parle 0559 08804 le Seigneur 0136, lâEternel 03069 ! Et lâEternel 03068 ne leur a point parlĂ© 01696 08765. 0136 - 'Adonaymon seigneur, seigneur d'un homme de Dieu titre donnĂ© au lieu de YahvĂ© par les ⊠0559 - 'amardire, parler, prononcer rĂ©pondre, penser, commander, promettre, avoir l'intention de ĂȘtre entendu, ĂȘtre appelĂ© se ⊠01696 - dabarparler, dĂ©clarer, converser, commander, promettre, avertir, menacer, chanter 02374 - chozehvoyant vision traitĂ©, alliance 02902 - tuwachĂ©tendre par dessus, recouvrir, plĂątrer, revĂȘtir de, barbouiller (Qal) couvrir, revĂȘtir de, recouvrir (Niphal) ĂȘtre ⊠03068 - YÄhovahl'Ăternel (JĂ©hovah, ou mieux: YahvĂ©) = « celui qui est l'existant » le nom propre ⊠03069 - YÄhovihĂternel Ă©quivalent Ă 03068 pointĂ© avec les voyelles de 0430 03577 - kazabun mensonge, contre vĂ©ritĂ©, faussetĂ©, chose trompeuse, tromperie, idole 05030 - nabiy'l'homme qui parle, un prophĂšte, interprĂšte de la pensĂ©e de Dieu prophĂšte faux prophĂšte prophĂšte ⊠07080 - qacam(Qal) pratiquer la divination, deviner des devins des nations, Balaam des faux prophĂštes d'IsraĂ«l dĂ©fendu 07723 - shav'vide, vanitĂ©, mensonge, faussetĂ© vide: nĂ©ant, vanitĂ© vide: d'un discours, mensonge indignitĂ© (de conduite) 08602 - tAfelinsensĂ©, insipide (BDB) sans saveur, non assaisonnĂ© n m blanc de chaux sens incertain 08765Radical : Piel 08840 Mode : Parfait 08816 Nombre : 2121 08802Radical : Qal 08851 Mode : Participe Actif 08814 Nombre : 5386 08804Radical : Qal 08851 Mode : Parfait 08816 Nombre : 12562 © Ăditions CLĂ, avec autorisation EZĂCHIEL (ProphĂšte)DĂ©finition biblique de EzĂ©chiel : ĂzĂ©chiel fut par excellence le prophĂšte des Juifs exilĂ©s en Babylonie. Selon toute vraisemblance, ĂzĂ©chiel ⊠ISRAĂL (Histoire et Religion 8.)7. L'Exil Ă Babylone. Plaçons-nous maintenant en face d'un fait extraordinaire : c'est qu'en dĂ©pit de la complĂšte rupture apparente ⊠JOĂL (livre de)Le second livre des douze « petits prophĂštes » est trĂšs court : 73 versets divisĂ©s en 3 chapitres (en ⊠MAISON(HĂ©br., beth ; grec, otkia) 1. Origines. L'histoire des habitations humaines en Palestine remonte jusqu'Ă l'Ă©poque indĂ©terminĂ©e de l'Ăąge palĂ©olithique ⊠PĂCHĂ (4.)IV Les prophĂštes. L'enseignement des prophĂštes (voir ce mot), Ă partir du VIII e siĂšcle, constitue une Ă©tape nouvelle, et ⊠ZACHARIE (livre de)Ce livre se compose de deux parties, dont la diffĂ©rence Ă©clate Ă la premiĂšre lecture. Dans la premiĂšre (1-8), le ⊠Ces vidĂ©os ne sont pas disponibles en colonnes en dehors de la vue Bible. EsaĂŻe 30 10 who tell the seers, "Don't see!" and to the prophets, "Don't prophesy to us right things. Tell us pleasant things. Prophesy deceits. JĂ©rĂ©mie 8 10 Therefore will I give their wives to others, and their fields to those who shall possess them: for everyone from the least even to the greatest is given to covetousness; from the prophet even to the priest every one deals falsely. 11 They have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace. JĂ©rĂ©mie 23 21 I sent not these prophets, yet they ran: I didn't speak to them, yet they prophesied. 25 I have heard what the prophets have said, who prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. 26 How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies, even the prophets of the deceit of their own heart? 27 who think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor, as their fathers forgot my name for Baal. 28 The prophet who has a dream, let him tell a dream; and he who has my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the straw to the wheat? says Yahweh. 29 Isn't my word like fire? says Yahweh; and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? 30 Therefore behold, I am against the prophets, says Yahweh, who steal my words everyone from his neighbor. 31 Behold, I am against the prophets, says Yahweh, who use their tongues, and say, He says. 32 Behold, I am against those who prophesy lying dreams, says Yahweh, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their vain boasting: yet I didn't send them, nor commanded them; neither do they profit this people at all, says Yahweh. JĂ©rĂ©mie 28 2 Thus speaks Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel, saying, I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon. 15 Then the prophet Jeremiah said to Hananiah the prophet, Hear now, Hananiah: Yahweh has not sent you; but you make this people to trust in a lie. JĂ©rĂ©mie 29 8 For thus says Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel: Don't let your prophets who are in the midst of you, and your diviners, deceive you; neither listen to your dreams which you cause to be dreamed. 9 For they prophesy falsely to you in my name: I have not sent them, says Yahweh. JĂ©rĂ©mie 37 19 Where now are your prophets who prophesied to you, saying, The king of Babylon shall not come against you, nor against this land? Lamentations 2 14 Your prophets have seen for you false and foolish visions; They have not uncovered your iniquity, to bring back your captivity, but have seen for you false oracles and causes of banishment. EzĂ©chiel 13 6 They have seen falsehood and lying divination, who say, Yahweh says; but Yahweh has not sent them: and they have made men to hope that the word would be confirmed. 7 Haven't you seen a false vision, and haven't you spoken a lying divination, in that you say, Yahweh says; but I have not spoken? 10 Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there is no peace; and when one builds up a wall, behold, they plaster it with whitewash: 11 tell those who plaster it with whitewash, that it shall fall: there shall be an overflowing shower; and you, great hailstones, shall fall; and a stormy wind shall tear it. 12 Behold, when the wall has fallen, shall it not be said to you, Where is the plaster with which you have plastered it? 13 Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: I will even tear it with a stormy wind in my wrath; and there shall be an overflowing shower in my anger, and great hailstones in wrath to consume it. 14 So will I break down the wall that you have plastered with whitewash, and bring it down to the ground, so that its foundation shall be uncovered; and it shall fall, and you shall be consumed in its midst: and you shall know that I am Yahweh. 15 Thus will I accomplish my wrath on the wall, and on those who have plastered it with whitewash; and I will tell you, The wall is no more, neither those who plastered it; 16 to wit, the prophets of Israel who prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and who see visions of peace for her, and there is no peace, says the Lord Yahweh. 22 Because with lies you have grieved the heart of the righteous, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, and be saved alive: 23 Therefore you shall no more see false visions, nor practice divination. I will deliver my people out of your hand; and you shall know that I am Yahweh. EzĂ©chiel 21 29 while they see for you false visions, while they divine lies to you, to lay you on the necks of the wicked who are deadly wounded, whose day has come in the time of the iniquity of the end. EzĂ©chiel 22 25 There is a conspiracy of her prophets in its midst, like a roaring lion ravening the prey: they have devoured souls; they take treasure and precious things; they have made her widows many in its midst. Sophonie 3 4 Her prophets are arrogant and treacherous people. Her priests have profaned the sanctuary. They have done violence to the law. Ajouter une colonne Pour ajouter un favori, merci de vous connecter : Se connecter Copier --toreplace-- Vous avez aimĂ© ? Partagez autour de vous ! Partager par email Cette page a Ă©tĂ© partagĂ©e par email avec succĂšs ! 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TopTV VidĂ©o BibleProject français ĂzĂ©chiel 1â33 - SynthĂšse Pour lire le livre d'ĂzĂ©kiel sur TopBible cliquez-ici ! ĂzĂ©chiel 1â33 RedĂ©couvrez le livre dâĂzĂ©chiel Ă travers notre sĂ©rie Lire ⊠BibleProject français EzĂ©chiel 1.1-33 Segond 21 Ses prophĂštes recouvrent tout cela de crĂ©pi, par leurs fausses visions et leurs prĂ©dictions mensongĂšres. Ils affirment : âVoici ce que dit le Seigneur, l'Eternelâalors que l'Eternel nâa pas parlĂ©. Segond 1910 Et ses prophĂštes ont pour eux des enduits de plĂątre, de vaines visions, des oracles menteurs ; ils disent : Ainsi parle le Seigneur, l'Ăternel ! Et l'Ăternel ne leur a point parlĂ©. Segond 1978 (Colombe) © Ses prophĂštes ont pour eux des enduits de badigeon, de vaines visions, des divinations mensongĂšres ; ils disent : Ainsi parle le Seigneur, lâĂternel ! Et lâĂternel nâa point parlĂ©. Parole de Vie © Leurs prophĂštes recouvrent tout cela sous une couche de plĂątre. Ils racontent des visions quâils inventent, ils annoncent des choses fausses. Ils disent : âVoici les paroles du Seigneur DIEU.â Pourtant, moi, je ne leur ai pas parlĂ©. Français Courant © Leurs prophĂštes masquent tout cela sous une couche de badigeon. Ils racontent des visions imaginaires et prĂ©disent des mensonges. Ils prĂ©tendent transmettre un message de ma part alors que moi, le Seigneur, je ne leur ai pas parlĂ©. Semeur © Et tes prophĂštes enduisent tous ces crimes de crĂ©pi. Ils ont des visions trompeuses et vous dĂ©bitent de fausses divinations. Ils disent : âAinsi parle le Seigneur, lâEternelâ, alors que lâEternel nâa pas parlĂ©. Darby Et ses prophĂštes leur ont fait des enduits de mauvais mortier, ayant des visions de vanitĂ© et devinant pour eux le mensonge, disant : Ainsi dit le Seigneur, l'Ăternel ; -et l'Ăternel n'a point parlĂ©. Martin Ses ProphĂštes aussi les ont enduits de mortier mal liĂ©Â ; ils ont des visions fausses, et ils leur devinent le mensonge, en disant : ainsi a dit le Seigneur l'Eternel ; et cependant l'Eternel n'avait point parlĂ©. Ostervald Ses prophĂštes les enduisent de mortier ; ils ont des visions trompeuses, et prononcent des oracles menteurs en disant : "Ainsi a dit le Seigneur, l'Ăternel", quand l'Ăternel n'a point parlĂ©. HĂ©breu / Grec - Texte original © ŚÖŒŚ Ö°ŚÖŽŚŚÖ¶ÖŚŚÖž ŚÖžŚÖ€ŚÖŒ ŚÖžŚÖ¶ŚÖ ŚȘ֌֞Ś€Ö”ÖŚ ŚÖčŚÖŽÖŁŚŚ Ś©ŚÖžÖŚÖ°Ś ŚÖ°Ś§Ö茥ְŚÖŽÖ„ŚŚ ŚÖžŚÖ¶ÖŚ ŚÖŒÖžŚÖžÖŚ ŚÖčŚÖ°ŚšÖŽÖŚŚ ŚÖŒÖčÖ€Ś ŚÖžŚÖ·ŚšÖ ŚÖČŚÖčŚ ÖžÖŁŚ ŚÖ°ŚŚÖŽÖŚ ŚÖ·ÖœŚŚŚÖžÖŚ ŚÖčÖ„Ś ŚÖŽŚÖŒÖ”ÖœŚšŚ World English Bible Her prophets have plastered for them with whitewash, seeing false visions, and divining lies to them, saying, Thus says the Lord Yahweh, when Yahweh has not spoken. La bible annotĂ©e Commentaire de Matthew Henry Pour l'image de plĂątrer, comparez 13.10.Des visions vaines : comparez 13.6-12 ; JĂ©rĂ©mie 23.25-32 ; 27.9-11. Et pour tout ce passage, comparez Sophonie 3.1-4. Autres ressources sur, contact Aucun commentaire associĂ© Ă ce passage. Matthew Henry © traduction Dominique OschĂ© Et ses prophĂštes 05030 ont pour eux des enduits 02902 08804 de plĂątre 08602, de vaines 02374 visions 07723, des oracles 07080 08802 menteurs 03577 ; ils disent 0559 08802 : Ainsi parle 0559 08804 le Seigneur 0136, lâEternel 03069 ! Et lâEternel 03068 ne leur a point parlĂ© 01696 08765. 0136 - 'Adonaymon seigneur, seigneur d'un homme de Dieu titre donnĂ© au lieu de YahvĂ© par les ⊠0559 - 'amardire, parler, prononcer rĂ©pondre, penser, commander, promettre, avoir l'intention de ĂȘtre entendu, ĂȘtre appelĂ© se ⊠01696 - dabarparler, dĂ©clarer, converser, commander, promettre, avertir, menacer, chanter 02374 - chozehvoyant vision traitĂ©, alliance 02902 - tuwachĂ©tendre par dessus, recouvrir, plĂątrer, revĂȘtir de, barbouiller (Qal) couvrir, revĂȘtir de, recouvrir (Niphal) ĂȘtre ⊠03068 - YÄhovahl'Ăternel (JĂ©hovah, ou mieux: YahvĂ©) = « celui qui est l'existant » le nom propre ⊠03069 - YÄhovihĂternel Ă©quivalent Ă 03068 pointĂ© avec les voyelles de 0430 03577 - kazabun mensonge, contre vĂ©ritĂ©, faussetĂ©, chose trompeuse, tromperie, idole 05030 - nabiy'l'homme qui parle, un prophĂšte, interprĂšte de la pensĂ©e de Dieu prophĂšte faux prophĂšte prophĂšte ⊠07080 - qacam(Qal) pratiquer la divination, deviner des devins des nations, Balaam des faux prophĂštes d'IsraĂ«l dĂ©fendu 07723 - shav'vide, vanitĂ©, mensonge, faussetĂ© vide: nĂ©ant, vanitĂ© vide: d'un discours, mensonge indignitĂ© (de conduite) 08602 - tAfelinsensĂ©, insipide (BDB) sans saveur, non assaisonnĂ© n m blanc de chaux sens incertain 08765Radical : Piel 08840 Mode : Parfait 08816 Nombre : 2121 08802Radical : Qal 08851 Mode : Participe Actif 08814 Nombre : 5386 08804Radical : Qal 08851 Mode : Parfait 08816 Nombre : 12562 © Ăditions CLĂ, avec autorisation EZĂCHIEL (ProphĂšte)DĂ©finition biblique de EzĂ©chiel : ĂzĂ©chiel fut par excellence le prophĂšte des Juifs exilĂ©s en Babylonie. Selon toute vraisemblance, ĂzĂ©chiel ⊠ISRAĂL (Histoire et Religion 8.)7. L'Exil Ă Babylone. Plaçons-nous maintenant en face d'un fait extraordinaire : c'est qu'en dĂ©pit de la complĂšte rupture apparente ⊠JOĂL (livre de)Le second livre des douze « petits prophĂštes » est trĂšs court : 73 versets divisĂ©s en 3 chapitres (en ⊠MAISON(HĂ©br., beth ; grec, otkia) 1. Origines. L'histoire des habitations humaines en Palestine remonte jusqu'Ă l'Ă©poque indĂ©terminĂ©e de l'Ăąge palĂ©olithique ⊠PĂCHĂ (4.)IV Les prophĂštes. L'enseignement des prophĂštes (voir ce mot), Ă partir du VIII e siĂšcle, constitue une Ă©tape nouvelle, et ⊠ZACHARIE (livre de)Ce livre se compose de deux parties, dont la diffĂ©rence Ă©clate Ă la premiĂšre lecture. Dans la premiĂšre (1-8), le ⊠Ces vidĂ©os ne sont pas disponibles en colonnes en dehors de la vue Bible. EsaĂŻe 30 10 who tell the seers, "Don't see!" and to the prophets, "Don't prophesy to us right things. Tell us pleasant things. Prophesy deceits. JĂ©rĂ©mie 8 10 Therefore will I give their wives to others, and their fields to those who shall possess them: for everyone from the least even to the greatest is given to covetousness; from the prophet even to the priest every one deals falsely. 11 They have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace. JĂ©rĂ©mie 23 21 I sent not these prophets, yet they ran: I didn't speak to them, yet they prophesied. 25 I have heard what the prophets have said, who prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. 26 How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies, even the prophets of the deceit of their own heart? 27 who think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor, as their fathers forgot my name for Baal. 28 The prophet who has a dream, let him tell a dream; and he who has my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the straw to the wheat? says Yahweh. 29 Isn't my word like fire? says Yahweh; and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? 30 Therefore behold, I am against the prophets, says Yahweh, who steal my words everyone from his neighbor. 31 Behold, I am against the prophets, says Yahweh, who use their tongues, and say, He says. 32 Behold, I am against those who prophesy lying dreams, says Yahweh, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their vain boasting: yet I didn't send them, nor commanded them; neither do they profit this people at all, says Yahweh. JĂ©rĂ©mie 28 2 Thus speaks Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel, saying, I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon. 15 Then the prophet Jeremiah said to Hananiah the prophet, Hear now, Hananiah: Yahweh has not sent you; but you make this people to trust in a lie. JĂ©rĂ©mie 29 8 For thus says Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel: Don't let your prophets who are in the midst of you, and your diviners, deceive you; neither listen to your dreams which you cause to be dreamed. 9 For they prophesy falsely to you in my name: I have not sent them, says Yahweh. JĂ©rĂ©mie 37 19 Where now are your prophets who prophesied to you, saying, The king of Babylon shall not come against you, nor against this land? Lamentations 2 14 Your prophets have seen for you false and foolish visions; They have not uncovered your iniquity, to bring back your captivity, but have seen for you false oracles and causes of banishment. EzĂ©chiel 13 6 They have seen falsehood and lying divination, who say, Yahweh says; but Yahweh has not sent them: and they have made men to hope that the word would be confirmed. 7 Haven't you seen a false vision, and haven't you spoken a lying divination, in that you say, Yahweh says; but I have not spoken? 10 Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there is no peace; and when one builds up a wall, behold, they plaster it with whitewash: 11 tell those who plaster it with whitewash, that it shall fall: there shall be an overflowing shower; and you, great hailstones, shall fall; and a stormy wind shall tear it. 12 Behold, when the wall has fallen, shall it not be said to you, Where is the plaster with which you have plastered it? 13 Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: I will even tear it with a stormy wind in my wrath; and there shall be an overflowing shower in my anger, and great hailstones in wrath to consume it. 14 So will I break down the wall that you have plastered with whitewash, and bring it down to the ground, so that its foundation shall be uncovered; and it shall fall, and you shall be consumed in its midst: and you shall know that I am Yahweh. 15 Thus will I accomplish my wrath on the wall, and on those who have plastered it with whitewash; and I will tell you, The wall is no more, neither those who plastered it; 16 to wit, the prophets of Israel who prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and who see visions of peace for her, and there is no peace, says the Lord Yahweh. 22 Because with lies you have grieved the heart of the righteous, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, and be saved alive: 23 Therefore you shall no more see false visions, nor practice divination. I will deliver my people out of your hand; and you shall know that I am Yahweh. EzĂ©chiel 21 29 while they see for you false visions, while they divine lies to you, to lay you on the necks of the wicked who are deadly wounded, whose day has come in the time of the iniquity of the end. EzĂ©chiel 22 25 There is a conspiracy of her prophets in its midst, like a roaring lion ravening the prey: they have devoured souls; they take treasure and precious things; they have made her widows many in its midst. Sophonie 3 4 Her prophets are arrogant and treacherous people. Her priests have profaned the sanctuary. They have done violence to the law. Ajouter une colonne Pour ajouter un favori, merci de vous connecter : Se connecter Copier --toreplace-- Vous avez aimĂ© ? Partagez autour de vous ! Partager par email Cette page a Ă©tĂ© partagĂ©e par email avec succĂšs ! 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