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Jérémie 29.26

Yahweh has made you priest in the place of Jehoiada the priest, that there may be officers in the house of Yahweh, for every man who is mad, and makes himself a prophet, that you should put him in the stocks and in shackles.
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    • Deutéronome 13

      1 If there arise in the midst of you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and he give you a sign or a wonder,
      2 and the sign or the wonder come to pass, of which he spoke to you, saying, "Let us go after other gods" (which you have not known) "and let us serve them";
      3 you shall not listen to the words of that prophet, or to that dreamer of dreams: for Yahweh your God proves you, to know whether you love Yahweh your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
      4 You shall walk after Yahweh your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and you shall serve him, and cling to him.
      5 That prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death, because he has spoken rebellion against Yahweh your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to draw you aside out of the way which Yahweh your God commanded you to walk in. So you shall put away the evil from the midst of you.

      2 Rois 9

      11 Then Jehu came forth to the servants of his lord: and one said to him, "Is all well? Why did this mad fellow come to you?" He said to them, "You know the man and what his talk was."

      2 Rois 11

      15 Jehoiada the priest commanded the captains of hundreds who were set over the army, and said to them, "Bring her out between the ranks. Kill him who follows her with the sword." For the priest said, "Don't let her be slain in the house of Yahweh."
      18 All the people of the land went to the house of Baal, and broke it down; his altars and his images broke they in pieces thoroughly, and killed Mattan the priest of Baal before the altars. The priest appointed officers over the house of Yahweh.

      2 Chroniques 16

      10 Then Asa was angry with the seer, and put him in the prison; for he was in a rage with him because of this thing. Asa oppressed some of the people at the same time.

      2 Chroniques 18

      26 and say, 'Thus says the king, "Put this fellow in the prison, and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction, until I return in peace."'"

      Jérémie 20

      1 Now Pashhur, the son of Immer the priest, who was chief officer in the house of Yahweh, heard Jeremiah prophesying these things.
      2 Then Pashhur struck Jeremiah the prophet, and put him in the stocks that were in the upper gate of Benjamin, which was in the house of Yahweh.

      Jérémie 29

      26 Yahweh has made you priest in the place of Jehoiada the priest, that there may be officers in the house of Yahweh, for every man who is mad, and makes himself a prophet, that you should put him in the stocks and in shackles.
      27 Now therefore, why have you not rebuked Jeremiah of Anathoth, who makes himself a prophet to you,

      Jérémie 38

      6 Then took they Jeremiah, and cast him into the dungeon of Malchijah the king's son, that was in the court of the guard: and they let down Jeremiah with cords. In the dungeon there was no water, but mire; and Jeremiah sank in the mire.
      28 So Jeremiah stayed in the court of the guard until the day that Jerusalem was taken.

      Osée 9

      7 The days of visitation have come. The days of reckoning have come. Israel will consider the prophet to be a fool, and the man who is inspired to be insane, because of the abundance of your sins, and because your hostility is great.

      Zacharie 13

      3 It will happen that, when anyone still prophesies, then his father and his mother who bore him will tell him, 'You must die, because you speak lies in the name of Yahweh;' and his father and his mother who bore him will stab him when he prophesies.
      4 It will happen in that day, that the prophets will each be ashamed of his vision, when he prophesies; neither will they wear a hairy mantle to deceive:
      5 but he will say, 'I am no prophet, I am a tiller of the ground; for I have been made a bondservant from my youth.'
      6 One will say to him, 'What are these wounds between your arms?' Then he will answer, 'Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.'

      Matthieu 21

      23 When he had come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him as he was teaching, and said, "By what authority do you do these things? Who gave you this authority?"

      Marc 3

      21 When his friends heard it, they went out to seize him: for they said, "He is insane."

      Jean 8

      53 Are you greater than our father, Abraham, who died? The prophets died. Who do you make yourself out to be?"

      Jean 10

      20 Many of them said, "He has a demon, and is insane! Why do you listen to him?"
      33 The Jews answered him, "We don't stone you for a good work, but for blasphemy: because you, being a man, make yourself God."

      Actes 4

      1 As they spoke to the people, the priests and the captain of the temple and the Sadducees came to them,

      Actes 5

      18 and laid hands on the apostles, and put them in public custody.
      24 Now when the high priest, the captain of the temple, and the chief priests heard these words, they were very perplexed about them and what might become of this.

      Actes 16

      24 who, having received such a command, threw them into the inner prison, and secured their feet in the stocks.

      Actes 26

      11 Punishing them often in all the synagogues, I tried to make them blaspheme. Being exceedingly enraged against them, I persecuted them even to foreign cities.
      24 As he thus made his defense, Festus said with a loud voice, "Paul, you are crazy! Your great learning is driving you insane!"

      2 Corinthiens 5

      13 For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God. Or if we are of sober mind, it is for you.
      14 For the love of Christ constrains us; because we judge thus, that one died for all, therefore all died.
      15 He died for all, that those who live should no longer live to themselves, but to him who for their sakes died and rose again.

      2 Corinthiens 11

      33 Through a window I was let down in a basket by the wall, and escaped his hands.

      Apocalypse 2

      10 Don't be afraid of the things which you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested; and you will have oppression for ten days. Be faithful to death, and I will give you the crown of life.

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