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Luc 18.1

Ἔλεγεν δὲ παραβολὴν αὐτοῖς πρὸς τὸ δεῖν πάντοτε προσεύχεσθαι αὐτοὺς καὶ μὴ ἐγκακεῖν,
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    • Genèse 32

      9 Jacob said, "God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, Yahweh, who said to me, 'Return to your country, and to your relatives, and I will do you good,'
      10 I am not worthy of the least of all the loving kindnesses, and of all the truth, which you have shown to your servant; for with just my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I have become two companies.
      11 Please deliver me from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau: for I fear him, lest he come and strike me, and the mothers with the children.
      12 You said, 'I will surely do you good, and make your seed as the sand of the sea, which can't be numbered because there are so many.'"
      24 Jacob was left alone, and wrestled with a man there until the breaking of the day.
      25 When he saw that he didn't prevail against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh, and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was strained, as he wrestled.
      26 The man said, "Let me go, for the day breaks." Jacob said, "I won't let you go, unless you bless me."

      Job 27

      8 For what is the hope of the godless, when he is cut off, when God takes away his life?
      9 Will God hear his cry when trouble comes on him?
      10 Will he delight himself in the Almighty, and call on God at all times?

      Psaumes 27

      13 I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of Yahweh in the land of the living.

      Psaumes 55

      16 As for me, I will call on God. Yahweh will save me.
      17 Evening, morning, and at noon, I will cry out in distress. He will hear my voice.

      Psaumes 65

      2 You who hear prayer, to you all men will come.

      Psaumes 86

      3 Be merciful to me, Lord, for I call to you all day long.

      Psaumes 102

      17 He has responded to the prayer of the destitute, and has not despised their prayer.

      Psaumes 142

      5 I cried to you, Yahweh. I said, "You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living."
      6 Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need. deliver me from my persecutors, For they are stronger than me.
      7 Bring my soul out of prison, that I may give thanks to your name. The righteous will surround me, for you will be good to me.

      Jérémie 29

      12 You shall call on me, and you shall go and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

      Jonas 2

      7 "When my soul fainted within me, I remembered Yahweh. My prayer came in to you, into your holy temple.

      Luc 11

      5 He said to them, "Which of you, if you go to a friend at midnight, and tell him, 'Friend, lend me three loaves of bread,
      6 for a friend of mine has come to me from a journey, and I have nothing to set before him,'
      7 and he from within will answer and say, 'Don't bother me. The door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed. I can't get up and give it to you'?
      8 I tell you, although he will not rise and give it to him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence, he will get up and give him as many as he needs.
      9 "I tell you, keep asking, and it will be given you. Keep seeking, and you will find. Keep knocking, and it will be opened to you.

      Luc 18

      1 He also spoke a parable to them that they must always pray, and not give up,

      Luc 21

      36 Therefore be watchful all the time, praying that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will happen, and to stand before the Son of Man."

      Romains 12

      12 rejoicing in hope; enduring in troubles; continuing steadfastly in prayer;

      2 Corinthiens 4

      1 Therefore seeing we have this ministry, even as we obtained mercy, we don't faint.

      Galates 6

      9 Let us not be weary in doing good, for we will reap in due season, if we don't give up.

      Ephésiens 6

      18 with all prayer and requests, praying at all times in the Spirit, and being watchful to this end in all perseverance and requests for all the saints:

      Philippiens 4

      6 In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.

      Colossiens 4

      2 Continue steadfastly in prayer, watching therein with thanksgiving;
      12 Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, salutes you, always striving for you in his prayers, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.

      1 Thessaloniciens 5

      17 Pray without ceasing.

      Hébreux 12

      3 For consider him who has endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, that you don't grow weary, fainting in your souls.
      4 You have not yet resisted to blood, striving against sin;
      5 and you have forgotten the exhortation which reasons with you as with children, "My son, don't take lightly the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when you are reproved by him;

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