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Matthieu 1.24

Joseph étant donc réveillé de son sommeil, fit comme l'Ange du Seigneur lui avait commandé, et reçut sa femme.
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    • Genèse 6

      22 Thus Noah did. According to all that God commanded him, so he did.

      Genèse 7

      5 Noah did everything that Yahweh commanded him.

      Genèse 22

      2 He said, "Now take your son, your only son, whom you love, even Isaac, and go into the land of Moriah. Offer him there for a burnt offering on one of the mountains which I will tell you of."
      3 Abraham rose early in the morning, and saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son. He split the wood for the burnt offering, and rose up, and went to the place of which God had told him.

      Exode 40

      16 Moses did so. According to all that Yahweh commanded him, so he did.
      19 He spread the covering over the tent, and put the roof of the tabernacle above on it, as Yahweh commanded Moses.
      25 He lit the lamps before Yahweh, as Yahweh commanded Moses.
      27 and he burnt incense of sweet spices on it, as Yahweh commanded Moses.
      32 When they went into the Tent of Meeting, and when they came near to the altar, they washed, as Yahweh commanded Moses.

      2 Rois 5

      11 But Naaman was angry, and went away, and said, "Behold, I thought, 'He will surely come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of Yahweh his God, and wave his hand over the place, and heal the leper.'
      12 Aren't Abanah and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? Couldn't I wash in them, and be clean?" So he turned and went away in a rage.
      13 His servants came near, and spoke to him, and said, "My father, if the prophet had asked you do some great thing, wouldn't you have done it? How much rather then, when he says to you, 'Wash, and be clean?'"
      14 Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God; and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.

      Matthieu 1

      24 Joseph arose from his sleep, and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took his wife to himself;

      Jean 2

      5 His mother said to the servants, "Whatever he says to you, do it."
      6 Now there were six water pots of stone set there after the Jews' way of purifying, containing two or three metretes apiece.
      7 Jesus said to them, "Fill the water pots with water." They filled them up to the brim.
      8 He said to them, "Now draw some out, and take it to the ruler of the feast." So they took it.

      Jean 15

      14 You are my friends, if you do whatever I command you.

      Hébreux 11

      7 By faith, Noah, being warned about things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared a ship for the saving of his house, through which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith.
      8 By faith, Abraham, when he was called, obeyed to go out to the place which he was to receive for an inheritance. He went out, not knowing where he went.
      24 By faith, Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter,
      25 choosing rather to share ill treatment with God's people, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a time;
      26 accounting the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he looked to the reward.
      27 By faith, he left Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.
      28 By faith, he kept the Passover, and the sprinkling of the blood, that the destroyer of the firstborn should not touch them.
      29 By faith, they passed through the Red Sea as on dry land. When the Egyptians tried to do so, they were swallowed up.
      30 By faith, the walls of Jericho fell down, after they had been encircled for seven days.
      31 By faith, Rahab the prostitute, didn't perish with those who were disobedient, having received the spies in peace.

      Jacques 2

      21 Wasn't Abraham our father justified by works, in that he offered up Isaac his son on the altar?
      22 You see that faith worked with his works, and by works faith was perfected;
      23 and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness"; and he was called the friend of God.
      24 You see then that by works, a man is justified, and not only by faith.
      25 In the same way, wasn't Rahab the prostitute also justified by works, in that she received the messengers, and sent them out another way?
      26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, even so faith apart from works is dead.

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