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Jude 1.22

Ayez compassion des uns en faisant preuve de discernement.
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    • Ezéchiel 34

      17 As for you, O my flock, thus says the Lord Yahweh: Behold, I judge between sheep and sheep, the rams and the male goats.

      Galates 4

      20 but I could wish to be present with you now, and to change my tone, for I am perplexed about you.

      Galates 6

      1 Brothers, even if a man is caught in some fault, you who are spiritual must restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; looking to yourself so that you also aren't tempted.

      Hébreux 6

      4 For concerning those who were once enlightened and tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Spirit,
      5 and tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the age to come,
      6 and then fell away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance; seeing they crucify the Son of God for themselves again, and put him to open shame.
      7 For the land which has drunk the rain that comes often on it, and brings forth a crop suitable for them for whose sake it is also tilled, receives blessing from God;
      8 but if it bears thorns and thistles, it is rejected and near being cursed, whose end is to be burned.

      Jacques 5

      19 Brothers, if any among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back,
      20 let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death, and will cover a multitude of sins.

      1 Jean 5

      16 If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin not leading to death, he shall ask, and God will give him life for those who sin not leading to death. There is a sin leading to death. I don't say that he should make a request concerning this.
      17 All unrighteousness is sin, and there is a sin not leading to death.
      18 We know that whoever is born of God doesn't sin, but he who was born of God keeps himself, and the evil one doesn't touch him.

      Jude 1

      4 For there are certain men who crept in secretly, even those who were long ago written about for this condemnation: ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into indecency, and denying our only Master, God, and Lord, Jesus Christ.
      5 Now I desire to remind you, though you already know this, that the Lord, having saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who didn't believe.
      6 Angels who didn't keep their first domain, but deserted their own dwelling place, he has kept in everlasting bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day.
      7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them, having, in the same way as these, given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire.
      8 Yet in the same way, these also in their dreaming defile the flesh, despise authority, and slander celestial beings.
      9 But Michael, the archangel, when contending with the devil and arguing about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him an abusive condemnation, but said, "May the Lord rebuke you!"
      10 But these speak evil of whatever things they don't know. What they understand naturally, like the creatures without reason, they are destroyed in these things.
      11 Woe to them! For they went in the way of Cain, and ran riotously in the error of Balaam for hire, and perished in Korah's rebellion.
      12 These are hidden rocky reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you, shepherds who without fear feed themselves; clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn leaves without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;
      13 wild waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the blackness of darkness has been reserved forever.
      22 On some have compassion, making a distinction,

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