Actes 21.21

Or, ils ont entendu dire que tu enseignes à tous les Juifs vivant parmi les non-Juifs d’abandonner la loi de Moïse ; tu leur dirais de ne pas circoncire leurs enfants et de ne pas se conformer aux coutumes.
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    • Actes 6

      13 and set up false witnesses who said, "This man never stops speaking blasphemous words against this holy place and the law.
      14 For we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place, and will change the customs which Moses delivered to us."

      Actes 15

      19 "Therefore my judgment is that we don't trouble those from among the Gentiles who turn to God,
      20 but that we write to them that they abstain from the pollution of idols, from sexual immorality, from what is strangled, and from blood.
      21 For Moses from generations of old has in every city those who preach him, being read in the synagogues every Sabbath."

      Actes 16

      3 Paul wanted to have him go out with him, and he took and circumcised him because of the Jews who were in those parts; for they all knew that his father was a Greek.

      Actes 21

      21 They have been informed about you, that you teach all the Jews who are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children neither to walk after the customs.
      28 crying out, "Men of Israel, help! This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against the people, and the law, and this place. Moreover, he also brought Greeks into the temple, and has defiled this holy place!"

      Actes 28

      17 It happened that after three days Paul called together those who were the leaders of the Jews. When they had come together, he said to them, "I, brothers, though I had done nothing against the people, or the customs of our fathers, still was delivered prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans,

      Romains 14

      1 Now accept one who is weak in faith, but not for disputes over opinions.
      2 One man has faith to eat all things, but he who is weak eats only vegetables.
      3 Don't let him who eats despise him who doesn't eat. Don't let him who doesn't eat judge him who eats, for God has accepted him.
      4 Who are you who judge another's servant? To his own lord he stands or falls. Yes, he will be made to stand, for God has power to make him stand.
      5 One man esteems one day as more important. Another esteems every day alike. Let each man be fully assured in his own mind.
      6 He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it. He who eats, eats to the Lord, for he gives God thanks. He who doesn't eat, to the Lord he doesn't eat, and gives God thanks.

      1 Corinthiens 7

      18 Was anyone called having been circumcised? Let him not become uncircumcised. Has anyone been called in uncircumcision? Let him not be circumcised.
      19 Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God.

      1 Corinthiens 9

      19 For though I was free from all, I brought myself under bondage to all, that I might gain the more.
      20 To the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain those who are under the law;
      21 to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law.

      Galates 5

      1 Stand firm therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and don't be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
      2 Behold, I, Paul, tell you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will profit you nothing.
      3 Yes, I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.
      4 You are alienated from Christ, you who desire to be justified by the law. You have fallen away from grace.
      5 For we, through the Spirit, by faith wait for the hope of righteousness.
      6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision amounts to anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith working through love.

      Galates 6

      12 As many as desire to look good in the flesh, they compel you to be circumcised; only that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.
      13 For even they who receive circumcision don't keep the law themselves, but they desire to have you circumcised, that they may boast in your flesh.
      14 But far be it from me to boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
      15 For in Christ Jesus neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation.

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