Campagne collectif missionnaire

Jean 16.3

La cause profonde de ce fanatisme religieux, c'est l'ignorance de Dieu, que Jésus a déjà indiquée avec tristesse. (Jean 15.21 ; comparez 1Corinthiens 2.8) Mais cette ignorance était doublement coupable et sans excuse, après l'apparition du Sauveur au milieu de son peuple. (Jean 15.22-24)

- Le texte reçu, avec Sin., D, porte : ils vous feront ces choses. Il est plus naturel de retrancher ce vous, car la pensée de Jésus se généralise, et il annonce que ces persécutions se produiront, non seulement contre ses premiers disciples, mais dans tous les temps.

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    • Luc 10

      22 Turning to the disciples, he said, "All things have been delivered to me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is, except the Father, and who the Father is, except the Son, and he to whomever the Son desires to reveal him."

      Jean 8

      19 They said therefore to him, "Where is your Father?" Jesus answered, "You know neither me, nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also."
      55 You have not known him, but I know him. If I said, 'I don't know him,' I would be like you, a liar. But I know him, and keep his word.

      Jean 15

      21 But all these things will they do to you for my name's sake, because they don't know him who sent me.
      23 He who hates me, hates my Father also.

      Jean 16

      3 They will do these things because they have not known the Father, nor me.

      Jean 17

      3 This is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and him whom you sent, Jesus Christ.
      25 Righteous Father, the world hasn't known you, but I knew you; and these knew that you sent me.

      1 Corinthiens 2

      8 which none of the rulers of this world has known. For had they known it, they wouldn't have crucified the Lord of glory.

      2 Corinthiens 4

      3 Even if our Good News is veiled, it is veiled in those who perish;
      4 in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that the light of the Good News of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not dawn on them.
      5 For we don't preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake;
      6 seeing it is God who said, "Light will shine out of darkness," who has shone in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

      2 Thessaloniciens 1

      8 giving vengeance to those who don't know God, and to those who don't obey the Good News of our Lord Jesus,

      2 Thessaloniciens 2

      10 and with all deception of wickedness for those who are being lost, because they didn't receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
      11 Because of this, God sends them a working of error, that they should believe a lie;
      12 that they all might be judged who didn't believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

      1 Timothée 1

      13 although I was before a blasphemer, a persecutor, and insolent. However, I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.

      1 Jean 3

      1 Behold, how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! For this cause the world doesn't know us, because it didn't know him.

      1 Jean 4

      8 He who doesn't love doesn't know God, for God is love.

      1 Jean 5

      20 We know that the Son of God has come, and has given us an understanding, that we know him who is true, and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.

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