Campagne collectif missionnaire

Luc 9.35

Et de la nuée sortit une voix qui dit : « Celui-ci est mon Fils bien-aimé : écoutez-le ! »
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    • Deutéronome 18

      18 I will raise them up a prophet from among their brothers, like you; and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I shall command him.
      19 It shall happen, that whoever will not listen to my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.

      Esaïe 42

      1 "Behold, my servant, whom I uphold; my chosen, in whom my soul delights-- I have put my Spirit on him. He will bring justice to the nations.

      Esaïe 55

      3 Turn your ear, and come to me; hear, and your soul shall live: and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David.
      4 Behold, I have given him for a witness to the peoples, a leader and commander to the peoples.

      Matthieu 3

      17 Behold, a voice out of the heavens said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased."

      Luc 3

      22 and the Holy Spirit descended in a bodily form as a dove on him; and a voice came out of the sky, saying "You are my beloved Son. In you I am well pleased."

      Luc 9

      35 A voice came out of the cloud, saying, "This is my beloved Son. Listen to him!"

      Jean 3

      16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
      35 The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into his hand.
      36 One who believes in the Son has eternal life, but one who disobeys the Son won't see life, but the wrath of God remains on him."

      Jean 5

      22 For the Father judges no one, but he has given all judgment to the Son,
      23 that all may honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He who doesn't honor the Son doesn't honor the Father who sent him.
      24 "Most certainly I tell you, he who hears my word, and believes him who sent me, has eternal life, and doesn't come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

      Actes 3

      22 For Moses indeed said to the fathers, 'The Lord God will raise up a prophet for you from among your brothers, like me. You shall listen to him in all things whatever he says to you.
      23 It will be, that every soul that will not listen to that prophet will be utterly destroyed from among the people.'

      Hébreux 2

      3 how will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation--which at the first having been spoken through the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard;

      Hébreux 3

      7 Therefore, even as the Holy Spirit says, "Today if you will hear his voice,
      8 don't harden your hearts, as in the rebellion, like as in the day of the trial in the wilderness,
      15 while it is said, "Today if you will hear his voice, don't harden your hearts, as in the rebellion."

      Hébreux 5

      9 Having been made perfect, he became to all of those who obey him the author of eternal salvation,

      Hébreux 12

      25 See that you don't refuse him who speaks. For if they didn't escape when they refused him who warned on the earth, how much more will we not escape who turn away from him who warns from heaven,
      26 whose voice shook the earth then, but now he has promised, saying, "Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the heavens."

      2 Pierre 1

      17 For he received from God the Father honor and glory, when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
      18 We heard this voice come out of heaven when we were with him on the holy mountain.

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