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Osée 2.8

« C’est pourquoi moi, le SEIGNEUR, je vais lui barrer la route avec des buissons d’épines. Je l’entourerai d’une clôture, et elle ne trouvera plus son chemin.
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    • Exode 32

      2 Aaron said to them, "Take off the golden rings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them to me."
      3 All the people took off the golden rings which were in their ears, and brought them to Aaron.
      4 He received what they handed him, and fashioned it with an engraving tool, and made it a molten calf; and they said, "These are your gods, Israel, which brought you up out of the land of Egypt."

      Juges 9

      27 They went out into the field, and harvested their vineyards, and trod the grapes, and held festival, and went into the house of their god, and ate and drank, and cursed Abimelech.

      Juges 17

      1 There was a man of the hill country of Ephraim, whose name was Micah.
      2 He said to his mother, "The eleven hundred pieces of silver that were taken from you, about which you uttered a curse, and also spoke it in my ears, behold, the silver is with me; I took it." His mother said, "Blessed be my son of Yahweh."
      3 He restored the eleven hundred pieces of silver to his mother; and his mother said, "I most certainly dedicate the silver to Yahweh from my hand for my son, to make an engraved image and a molten image. Now therefore I will restore it to you."
      4 When he restored the money to his mother, his mother took two hundred pieces of silver, and gave them to the founder, who made of it an engraved image and a molten image: and it was in the house of Micah.
      5 The man Micah had a house of gods, and he made an ephod, and teraphim, and consecrated one of his sons, who became his priest.

      Esaïe 1

      3 The ox knows his owner, and the donkey his master's crib; but Israel doesn't know, my people don't consider."

      Esaïe 24

      7 The new wine mourns. The vine languishes. All the merry-hearted sigh.
      8 The mirth of tambourines ceases. The sound of those who rejoice ends. The joy of the harp ceases.
      9 They will not drink wine with a song. Strong drink will be bitter to those who drink it.

      Esaïe 46

      6 Some pour out gold from the bag, and weigh silver in the balance. They hire a goldsmith, and he makes it a god. They fall down--yes, they worship.

      Jérémie 7

      18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead the dough, to make cakes to the queen of the sky, and to pour out drink offerings to other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.

      Jérémie 44

      17 But we will certainly perform every word that is gone forth out of our mouth, to burn incense to the queen of the sky, and to pour out drink offerings to her, as we have done, we and our fathers, our kings and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem; for then had we plenty of food, and were well, and saw no evil.
      18 But since we left off burning incense to the queen of the sky, and pouring out drink offerings to her, we have wanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine.

      Ezéchiel 16

      16 You took of your garments, and made for yourselves high places decked with various colors, and played the prostitute on them: [the like things] shall not come, neither shall it be [so].
      17 You also took your beautiful jewels of my gold and of my silver, which I had given you, and made for yourself images of men, and played the prostitute with them;
      18 and you took your embroidered garments, and covered them, and set my oil and my incense before them.
      19 My bread also which I gave you, fine flour, and oil, and honey, with which I fed you, you even set it before them for a pleasant aroma; and [thus] it was, says the Lord Yahweh.

      Daniel 5

      3 Then they brought the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of God's house which was at Jerusalem; and the king and his lords, his wives and his concubines, drank from them.
      4 They drank wine, and praised the gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone.
      23 but have lifted up yourself against the Lord of heaven; and they have brought the vessels of his house before you, and you and your lords, your wives and your concubines, have drunk wine from them; and you have praised the gods of silver and gold, of brass, iron, wood, and stone, which don't see, nor hear, nor know; and the God in whose hand your breath is, and whose are all your ways, you have not glorified.

      Osée 2

      5 For their mother has played the prostitute. She who conceived them has done shamefully; for she said, 'I will go after my lovers, who give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, my oil and my drink.'
      8 For she did not know that I gave her the grain, the new wine, and the oil, and multiplied to her silver and gold, which they used for Baal.

      Osée 4

      11 Prostitution, wine, and new wine take away understanding.

      Osée 8

      4 They have set up kings, but not by me. They have made princes, and I didn't approve. Of their silver and their gold they have made themselves idols, that they may be cut off.

      Osée 10

      1 Israel is a luxuriant vine that puts forth his fruit. According to the abundance of his fruit he has multiplied his altars. As their land has prospered, they have adorned their sacred stones.

      Osée 13

      2 Now they sin more and more, and have made themselves molten images of their silver, even idols according to their own understanding, all of them the work of the craftsmen. They say of them, 'They offer human sacrifice and kiss the calves.'

      Habacuc 1

      16 Therefore he sacrifices to his net, and burns incense to his dragnet, because by them his life is luxurious, and his food is good.

      Luc 15

      13 Not many days after, the younger son gathered all of this together and traveled into a far country. There he wasted his property with riotous living.

      Luc 16

      1 He also said to his disciples, "There was a certain rich man who had a manager. An accusation was made to him that this man was wasting his possessions.
      2 He called him, and said to him, 'What is this that I hear about you? Give an accounting of your management, for you can no longer be manager.'

      Actes 17

      23 For as I passed along, and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription: 'TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.' What therefore you worship in ignorance, this I announce to you.
      24 The God who made the world and all things in it, he, being Lord of heaven and earth, doesn't dwell in temples made with hands,
      25 neither is he served by men's hands, as though he needed anything, seeing he himself gives to all life and breath, and all things.

      Romains 1

      28 Even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting;

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