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La Bible Chronologique - Jour 265


La Bible Chronologique - Jour 331 - 1 Thessaloniciens 1.1,1 Thessaloniciens 1.1-2,1 Thessaloniciens 1.2-3,1 Thessaloniciens 1.3-4,1 Thessaloniciens 1.4-5,1 Thessaloniciens 1.5-6,1 Thessaloniciens 1.6-7,1 Thessaloniciens 1.7-8,1 Thessaloniciens 1.8-9,1 Thessaloniciens 1.9-10,1 Thessaloniciens 1.10,1 Thessaloniciens 2.1,1 Thessaloniciens 2.1-2,1 Thessaloniciens 2.2-3,1 Thessaloniciens 2.3-4,1 Thessaloniciens 2.4-5,1 Thessaloniciens 2.5-6,1 Thessaloniciens 2.6-7,1 Thessaloniciens 2.7-8,1 Thessaloniciens 2.8-9,1 Thessaloniciens 2.9-10,1 Thessaloniciens 2.10-11,1 Thessaloniciens 2.11-12,1 Thessaloniciens 2.12-13,1 Thessaloniciens 2.13-14,1 Thessaloniciens 2.14-15,1 Thessaloniciens 2.15-16,1 Thessaloniciens 2.16-17,1 Thessaloniciens 2.17-18,1 Thessaloniciens 2.18-19,1 Thessaloniciens 2.19-20,1 Thessaloniciens 2.20,1 Thessaloniciens 3.1,1 Thessaloniciens 3.1-2,1 Thessaloniciens 3.2-3,1 Thessaloniciens 3.3-4,1 Thessaloniciens 3.4-5,1 Thessaloniciens 3.5-6,1 Thessaloniciens 3.6-7,1 Thessaloniciens 3.7-8,1 Thessaloniciens 3.8-9,1 Thessaloniciens 3.9-10,1 Thessaloniciens 3.10-11,1 Thessaloniciens 3.11-12,1 Thessaloniciens 3.12-13,1 Thessaloniciens 3.13,1 Thessaloniciens 4.1-18,1 Thessaloniciens 5.1-28,2 Thessaloniciens 1.1-12,2 Thessaloniciens 2.1-17,2 Thessaloniciens 3.1-18

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    • Zacharie 10

      1 Ask of Yahweh rain in the spring time, Yahweh who makes storm clouds, and he gives rain showers to everyone for the plants in the field.
      2 For the teraphim have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie; and they have told false dreams. They comfort in vain. Therefore they go their way like sheep. They are oppressed, because there is no shepherd.
      3 My anger is kindled against the shepherds, and I will punish the male goats; For Yahweh of Armies has visited his flock, the house of Judah, and will make them as his majestic horse in the battle.
      4 From him will come forth the cornerstone, from him the nail, from him the battle bow, from him every ruler together.
      5 They shall be as mighty men, treading down muddy streets in the battle; and they shall fight, because Yahweh is with them; and the riders on horses will be confounded.
      6 "I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph, and I will bring them back; for I have mercy on them; and they will be as though I had not cast them off: for I am Yahweh their God, and I will hear them.
      7 Ephraim will be like a mighty man, and their heart will rejoice as through wine; yes, their children will see it, and rejoice. Their heart will be glad in Yahweh.
      8 I will signal for them, and gather them; for I have redeemed them; and they will increase as they have increased.
      9 I will sow them among the peoples; and they will remember me in far countries; and they will live with their children, and will return.
      10 I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt, and gather them out of Assyria; and I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon; and there won't be room enough for them.
      11 He will pass through the sea of affliction, and will strike the waves in the sea, and all the depths of the Nile will dry up; and the pride of Assyria will be brought down, and the scepter of Egypt will depart.
      12 I will strengthen them in Yahweh; and they will walk up and down in his name," says Yahweh.

      Zacharie 11

      1 Open your doors, Lebanon, that the fire may devour your cedars.
      2 Wail, fir tree, for the cedar has fallen, because the stately ones are destroyed. Wail, you oaks of Bashan, for the strong forest has come down.
      3 A voice of the wailing of the shepherds! For their glory is destroyed: a voice of the roaring of young lions! For the pride of the Jordan is ruined.
      4 Thus says Yahweh my God: "Feed the flock of slaughter.
      5 Their buyers slaughter them, and go unpunished. Those who sell them say, 'Blessed be Yahweh, for I am rich;' and their own shepherds don't pity them.
      6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land," says Yahweh; "but, behold, I will deliver the men everyone into his neighbor's hand, and into the hand of his king. They will strike the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them."
      7 So I fed the flock of slaughter, especially the oppressed of the flock. I took for myself two staffs. The one I called "Favor," and the other I called "Union," and I fed the flock.
      8 I cut off the three shepherds in one month; for my soul was weary of them, and their soul also loathed me.
      9 Then I said, "I will not feed you. That which dies, let it die; and that which is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let those who are left eat each other's flesh."
      10 I took my staff Favor, and cut it apart, that I might break my covenant that I had made with all the peoples.
      11 It was broken in that day; and thus the poor of the flock that listened to me knew that it was the word of Yahweh.
      12 I said to them, "If you think it best, give me my wages; and if not, keep them." So they weighed for my wages thirty pieces of silver.
      13 Yahweh said to me, "Throw it to the potter, the handsome price that I was valued at by them!" I took the thirty pieces of silver, and threw them to the potter, in the house of Yahweh.
      14 Then I cut apart my other staff, even Union, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.
      15 Yahweh said to me, "Take for yourself yet again the equipment of a foolish shepherd.
      16 For, behold, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, who will not visit those who are cut off, neither will seek those who are scattered, nor heal that which is broken, nor feed that which is sound; but he will eat the flesh of the fat sheep, and will tear their hoofs in pieces.
      17 Woe to the worthless shepherd who leaves the flock! The sword will be on his arm, and on his right eye. His arm will be completely withered, and his right eye will be totally blinded!"

      Zacharie 12

      1 An oracle. The word of Yahweh concerning Israel. Yahweh, who stretches out the heavens, and lays the foundation of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him says:
      2 "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of reeling to all the surrounding peoples, and on Judah also will it be in the siege against Jerusalem.
      3 It will happen in that day, that I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all the peoples. All who burden themselves with it will be severely wounded, and all the nations of the earth will be gathered together against it.
      4 In that day," says Yahweh, "I will strike every horse with terror, and his rider with madness; and I will open my eyes on the house of Judah, and will strike every horse of the peoples with blindness.
      5 The chieftains of Judah will say in their heart, 'The inhabitants of Jerusalem are my strength in Yahweh of Armies their God.'
      6 In that day I will make the chieftains of Judah like a pan of fire among wood, and like a flaming torch among sheaves; and they will devour all the surrounding peoples, on the right hand and on the left; and Jerusalem will yet again dwell in their own place, even in Jerusalem.
      7 Yahweh also will save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem not be magnified above Judah.
      8 In that day Yahweh will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem. He who is feeble among them at that day will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the angel of Yahweh before them.
      9 It will happen in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
      10 I will pour on the house of David, and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplication; and they will look to me whom they have pierced; and they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for his only son, and will grieve bitterly for him, as one grieves for his firstborn.
      11 In that day there will be a great mourning in Jerusalem, like the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon.
      12 The land will mourn, every family apart; the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart;
      13 the family of the house of Levi apart, and their wives apart; the family of the Shimeites apart, and their wives apart;
      14 all the families who remain, every family apart, and their wives apart.

      Zacharie 13

      1 "In that day there will be a spring opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness.
      2 It will come to pass in that day, says Yahweh of Armies, that I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land, and they will be remembered no more. I will also cause the prophets and the spirit of impurity to pass out of the land.
      3 It will happen that, when anyone still prophesies, then his father and his mother who bore him will tell him, 'You must die, because you speak lies in the name of Yahweh;' and his father and his mother who bore him will stab him when he prophesies.
      4 It will happen in that day, that the prophets will each be ashamed of his vision, when he prophesies; neither will they wear a hairy mantle to deceive:
      5 but he will say, 'I am no prophet, I am a tiller of the ground; for I have been made a bondservant from my youth.'
      6 One will say to him, 'What are these wounds between your arms?' Then he will answer, 'Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.'
      7 "Awake, sword, against my shepherd, and against the man who is close to me," says Yahweh of Armies. "Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered; and I will turn my hand against the little ones.
      8 It shall happen that in all the land," says Yahweh, "two parts in it will be cut off and die; but the third will be left in it.
      9 I will bring the third part into the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will test them like gold is tested. They will call on my name, and I will hear them. I will say, 'It is my people;' and they will say, 'Yahweh is my God.'"

      Zacharie 14

      1 Behold, a day of Yahweh comes, when your spoil will be divided in your midst.
      2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city will be taken, the houses rifled, and the women ravished. Half of the city will go out into captivity, and the rest of the people will not be cut off from the city.
      3 Then Yahweh will go out and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.
      4 His feet will stand in that day on the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in two, from east to west, making a very great valley. Half of the mountain will move toward the north, and half of it toward the south.
      5 You shall flee by the valley of my mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach to Azel; yes, you shall flee, just like you fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Yahweh my God will come, and all the holy ones with you.
      6 It will happen in that day, that there will not be light, cold, or frost.
      7 It will be a unique day which is known to Yahweh; not day, and not night; but it will come to pass, that at evening time there will be light.
      8 It will happen in that day, that living waters will go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the eastern sea, and half of them toward the western sea; in summer and in winter will it be.
      9 Yahweh will be King over all the earth. In that day Yahweh will be one, and his name one.
      10 All the land will be made like the Arabah, from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem; and she will be lifted up, and will dwell in her place, from Benjamin's gate to the place of the first gate, to the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananel to the king's winepresses.
      11 Men will dwell therein, and there will be no more curse; but Jerusalem will dwell safely.
      12 This will be the plague with which Yahweh will strike all the peoples who have warred against Jerusalem: their flesh will consume away while they stand on their feet, and their eyes will consume away in their sockets, and their tongue will consume away in their mouth.
      13 It will happen in that day, that a great panic from Yahweh will be among them; and they will lay hold everyone on the hand of his neighbor, and his hand will rise up against the hand of his neighbor.
      14 Judah also will fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the surrounding nations will be gathered together: gold, and silver, and clothing, in great abundance.
      15 So will be the plague of the horse, of the mule, of the camel, and of the donkey, and of all the animals that will be in those camps, as that plague.
      16 It will happen that everyone who is left of all the nations that came against Jerusalem will go up from year to year to worship the King, Yahweh of Armies, and to keep the feast of tents.
      17 It will be, that whoever of all the families of the earth doesn't go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, Yahweh of Armies, on them there will be no rain.
      18 If the family of Egypt doesn't go up, and doesn't come, neither will it rain on them. This will be the plague with which Yahweh will strike the nations that don't go up to keep the feast of tents.
      19 This will be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all the nations that don't go up to keep the feast of tents.
      20 In that day there will be on the bells of the horses, "HOLY TO YAHWEH"; and the pots in Yahweh's house will be like the bowls before the altar.
      21 Yes, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah will be holy to Yahweh of Armies; and all those who sacrifice will come and take of them, and cook in them. In that day there will no longer be a Canaanite in the house of Yahweh of Armies.
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