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La Bible en 1 an - Jour 305


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    • 2 Rois 14

      1 In the second year of Joash son of Joahaz king of Israel began Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah to reign.
      2 He was twenty-five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name was Jehoaddin of Jerusalem.
      3 He did that which was right in the eyes of Yahweh, yet not like David his father: he did according to all that Joash his father had done.
      4 However the high places were not taken away: the people still sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places.
      5 It happened, as soon as the kingdom was established in his hand, that he killed his servants who had slain the king his father:
      6 but the children of the murderers he didn't put to death; according to that which is written in the book of the law of Moses, as Yahweh commanded, saying, "The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, nor the children be put to death for the fathers; but every man shall die for his own sin."
      7 He killed of Edom in the Valley of Salt ten thousand, and took Sela by war, and called its name Joktheel, to this day.
      8 Then Amaziah sent messengers to Jehoash, the son of Jehoahaz son of Jehu, king of Israel, saying, "Come, let us look one another in the face."
      9 Jehoash the king of Israel sent to Amaziah king of Judah, saying, "The thistle that was in Lebanon sent to the cedar that was in Lebanon, saying, 'Give your daughter to my son as wife. Then a wild animal that was in Lebanon passed by, and trampled down the thistle.
      10 You have indeed struck Edom, and your heart has lifted you up. Enjoy the glory of it, and stay at home; for why should you meddle to your harm, that you should fall, even you, and Judah with you?'"
      11 But Amaziah would not listen. So Jehoash king of Israel went up; and he and Amaziah king of Judah looked one another in the face at Beth Shemesh, which belongs to Judah.
      12 Judah was defeated by Israel; and they fled every man to his tent.
      13 Jehoash king of Israel took Amaziah king of Judah, the son of Jehoash the son of Ahaziah, at Beth Shemesh, and came to Jerusalem, and broke down the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim to the corner gate, four hundred cubits.
      14 He took all the gold and silver, and all the vessels that were found in the house of Yahweh, and in the treasures of the king's house, the hostages also, and returned to Samaria.
      15 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoash which he did, and his might, and how he fought with Amaziah king of Judah, aren't they written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?
      16 Jehoash slept with his fathers, and was buried in Samaria with the kings of Israel; and Jeroboam his son reigned in his place.
      17 Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah lived after the death of Jehoash son of Jehoahaz king of Israel fifteen years.
      18 Now the rest of the acts of Amaziah, aren't they written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?
      19 They made a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem; and he fled to Lachish: but they sent after him to Lachish, and killed him there.
      20 They brought him on horses; and he was buried at Jerusalem with his fathers in the city of David.
      21 All the people of Judah took Azariah, who was sixteen years old, and made him king in the place of his father Amaziah.
      22 He built Elath, and restored it to Judah, after that the king slept with his fathers.
      23 In the fifteenth year of Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah, Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel began to reign in Samaria for forty-one years.
      24 He did that which was evil in the sight of Yahweh: he didn't depart from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, with which he made Israel to sin.
      25 He restored the border of Israel from the entrance of Hamath to the sea of the Arabah, according to the word of Yahweh, the God of Israel, which he spoke by his servant Jonah the son of Amittai, the prophet, who was of Gath Hepher.
      26 For Yahweh saw the affliction of Israel, that it was very bitter; for there was none shut up nor left at large, neither was there any helper for Israel.
      27 Yahweh didn't say that he would blot out the name of Israel from under the sky; but he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Joash.
      28 Now the rest of the acts of Jeroboam, and all that he did, and his might, how he warred, and how he recovered Damascus, and Hamath, which had belonged to Judah, for Israel, aren't they written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?
      29 Jeroboam slept with his fathers, even with the kings of Israel; and Zechariah his son reigned in his place.

      Osée 7

      1 When I would heal Israel, then the iniquity of Ephraim is uncovered, also the wickedness of Samaria; for they commit falsehood, and the thief enters in, and the gang of robbers ravages outside.
      2 They don't consider in their hearts that I remember all their wickedness. Now their own deeds have engulfed them. They are before my face.
      3 They make the king glad with their wickedness, and the princes with their lies.
      4 They are all adulterers. They are burning like an oven that the baker stops stirring, from the kneading of the dough, until it is leavened.
      5 On the day of our king, the princes made themselves sick with the heat of wine. He joined his hand with mockers.
      6 For they have prepared their heart like an oven, while they lie in wait. Their baker sleeps all the night. In the morning it burns as a flaming fire.
      7 They are all hot as an oven, and devour their judges. All their kings have fallen. There is no one among them who calls to me.
      8 Ephraim, he mixes himself among the nations. Ephraim is a pancake not turned over.
      9 Strangers have devoured his strength, and he doesn't realize it. Indeed, gray hairs are here and there on him, and he doesn't realize it.
      10 The pride of Israel testifies to his face; yet they haven't returned to Yahweh their God, nor sought him, for all this.
      11 "Ephraim is like an easily deceived dove, without understanding. They call to Egypt. They go to Assyria.
      12 When they go, I will spread my net on them. I will bring them down like the birds of the sky. I will chastise them, as their congregation has heard.
      13 Woe to them! For they have wandered from me. Destruction to them! For they have trespassed against me. Though I would redeem them, yet they have spoken lies against me.
      14 They haven't cried to me with their heart, but they howl on their beds. They assemble themselves for grain and new wine. They turn away from me.
      15 Though I have taught and strengthened their arms, yet they plot evil against me.
      16 They return, but not to the Most High. They are like a faulty bow. Their princes will fall by the sword for the rage of their tongue. This will be their derision in the land of Egypt.

      2 Timothée 4

      1 I command you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdom:
      2 preach the word; be urgent in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with all patience and teaching.
      3 For the time will come when they will not listen to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves teachers after their own lusts;
      4 and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside to fables.
      5 But you be sober in all things, suffer hardship, do the work of an evangelist, and fulfill your ministry.
      6 For I am already being offered, and the time of my departure has come.
      7 I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course. I have kept the faith.
      8 From now on, there is stored up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me on that day; and not to me only, but also to all those who have loved his appearing.
      9 Be diligent to come to me soon,
      10 for Demas left me, having loved this present world, and went to Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia.
      11 Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for service.
      12 But I sent Tychicus to Ephesus.
      13 Bring the cloak that I left at Troas with Carpus when you come, and the books, especially the parchments.
      14 Alexander, the coppersmith, did much evil to me. The Lord will repay him according to his works,
      15 of whom you also must beware; for he greatly opposed our words.
      16 At my first defense, no one came to help me, but all left me. May it not be held against them.
      17 But the Lord stood by me, and strengthened me, that through me the message might be fully proclaimed, and that all the Gentiles might hear; and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.
      18 And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me for his heavenly Kingdom; to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
      19 Greet Prisca and Aquila, and the house of Onesiphorus.
      20 Erastus remained at Corinth, but I left Trophimus at Miletus sick.
      21 Be diligent to come before winter. Eubulus salutes you, as do Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and all the brothers.
      22 The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you. Amen.
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